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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221365-08
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1964
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Da Nang,KHE SANH
TC Begins: 02:56:37
TC Ends: 03:07:26
Duration: 00:10:49
1964 ca - Color, Vietnam War Corporate Film: Marines Training & Fighting R2 of 2 Backing fighter jet in to bunker at Da Nang. Aerial over hanger area. Fighter jets in for landing, parachute out. Pilot out. Photo reconnaissance film to processing & inspected. 02:58:20 Large twin-engine loaded w/ freight. Rescue helicopter w/ machine gunner in door. Landing, South Koreans loading crates into helicopter. Artillery w/ large guns firing. Mortars fired. Crates dropped by parachute. 02:59:44 Khe Sanh airbase w/ explosions around plane taxiing. Interior of large helicopter & loading rockets & ?? onto planes. Maintenance mechanics working. Planes parked behind revetments. Large bomb attached. Burned plane on ground. Wounded loaded onto helicopter & lifted out. 03:01:53 Aerial over hospital ship & others in bay. Wounded & view from helicopter. 03:02:19 Fighting in field. SOF Da Nang airfield contacted & pilots briefed. Run to F-4 Phantoms & A-4 Sky Hawks. Planes taxi; take off. 03:05:10 Marines on ground firing machine guns. Dropping bomb load, rockets firing & napalm burning. Rockets fired from beneath plane seen from in front; seen from plane. Explosions seen from above. 03:06:26 Air controller on radio phone. Ground troops moving up. Helicopter formation landing. 03:06:52 City street scene & people walking in rain. 03:07:03 Credits, The End. 1st Marine Aircraft Wing; Vietnam War; Defense Contractor Promotional Propaganda; 1960s Military; Battles;