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1968 - Color, Vietnam War: Care For Casualties

Reel Number: 250139-08

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1968

Country: USA,Vietnam

Location: Long Binh

TC Begins: 14:52:41

TC Ends: 15:04:08

Duration: 00:11:27

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1968 - Color, Vietnam War: Care For Casualties CU Badly wounded casualty carried on stretcher past camera; MEDEVAC UH-1D helicopter on pad in mid BG outside 93rd Evacuation Hospital; one patient is hand-carried by a medic past camera. MCU Two men assist walking wounded man still in battle gear; helped onto a stretcher; medics pick the stretcher up & carry the man down walkway. 14:53:53 MS MEDEVAC helicopter on pad, UH-1D lifting off in BG; MEDEVAC helicopter lifts off, follows. 14:54:46 MS Patient rolled out of building on gurney, glucos bottle hanging from rod above. MCU Patient being wheeled by, by medics. 14:54:58 MLS VADM GEORGE G. BURKLEY, MC, USN, Retired, in fatigues w/ microphone visiting w/ patients in ward. 14:57:26 LA MS MEDEVAC 'copter lowering sling to man in grass w/ a wounded man; man grabs sling. MLS Paramedc grabs hold of the sling, gives the signal for hoisting. MS Man hoisted in saddle sling w/ right arm bandaged up to MEDEVAC 'copter. LA MLS MEDEVAC 'copter flying off towards hospital. 14:58:40 CU Looking down over a wounded man in tall grass, bandage on R arm & shoulder; zoom back, paramedic kneeling alongside man waiting for sling, medic crabs hold of it. MS Wounded man being hoisted in sling as paramedic stands on ground; tilt up w/ man being hoisted to hovering helicopter. 14:59:53 MS Paramedic on ground w/ wounded man in basket stretcher, hoist is hooked & stretcher lifted; PAN up with patient, showing helicopter hovering. 18) LA MLS Patient brought inside helicopter, flies off to R. 15:00:35 MS Medic on ground w/ wounded man; medic stands & tosses smoke grenade into grass in BG; green smoke drifts off to R; tilt up to MEDEVAC helicopter hovering; a basket-type stretcher is lowered. Tilt down & wounded man into stretcher. 15:02:10 HA CU Medic secures wounded man in stretcher. LA Looking up to helicopter overhead. AtoG MS Medic on ground w/ wounded man. CU Patient brought into helicopter on stretcher; view from helicopter flying off; flat open terrain thru open door; tilt down to man's face on stretcher, head bandaged. Two crewmen in open door, patient in FG, w/ helicopter in flight. 15:03:11 AtoG MS Large village along river bend; over roofs of buildings. AtoG MS moving across large base, believed to be Long Binh, near Saigon, ocean in distance. Medical evacuation; injured; wounded; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Good color & action. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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