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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250192-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1975
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: China Sea,Saigon not seen
TC Begins: 04:43:23
TC Ends: 05:03:16
Duration: 00:19:53
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1975: Evacuation of Saigon to CVA-41; Marines Moved. Apr75 Pt. 1 of 2 Slate: Camera: Degler. Evacuation of Saigon. Roll DR-14 30Apr75. CH-46 or CH-47 Chinook helicopters on carrier deck, UH-1D Huey landing; VH-3D Sea King or H-53 helicopter landing, taking off, on deck. LIghts on aircraft carrier tower. View of deck, crowded w/ helicopters, form tower. 04:45:05 Americans moving along from helicopters on deck onto side walkway & below deck w/ brief cases & suitcases. 04:45:44 Various Helicopters on deck. 04:46:01 Slate: Midway CVA-41 Taking aboard F-5 & A-39 Aircraft. ???75. High angle / HA deck w/ helicopter approaching & lowering suspended jet fighter. MCU camouflage painted F-5 hooking to tractor & moved to row of planes. Helicopter lowering another to deck. 04:48:39 Slate: same, 03Aug75. Taking aboard F-5 and A-37 aircraft. DR-16. Crew working on flight deck, moving planes; helicopter lifting off. Lowering F-5. CU crew members beside planes. Shore seen in distance as planes lowered to deck, other activity w/ helicopters. 04:51:19 leader 04:51:29 Marines w/ gear, weapons & packs on hanger deck. going to flight deck, MCU & CUs; helicopter landing. Across deck boarding helicopter shot into sun. Helicopter lifting & leaving. 04:53:49 Arriving American & Vietnamese across deck, helicopter pushed off carrier deck. (overexposed). Cessna landing. 04:54:35 Military accompanying Vietnamese airman; light plane pushed to edge. Helicopter landing (overexposed). View of crowded deck & parked helicopters. 04:56:01 Vietnamese on deck, helicopters landing. CH-47 near end, many helicopters landing. Automatic rifles thrown off CVA. 04:57:50 CU airman w/ headset & microphone, others around watching. 04:58:20 CH-46 or CH-47 pushed across deck. 04:58:37 Slate: 30Apr75 camera Barschow. View of large CH-53 helicopter approaching & landing, troops off, others run to board w/ packs, weapons. CU crates of ammunition cartridges for mortars. Helicopter lifting off w/ signalman waving. GOOD. 05:00:07 Leader. 05:00:16 CH-46 or CH-47 Chinook landing, Vietnamese out, freighter seen in background. 05:00:51 Another CH-47 landing w/ families off. 05:01:24 Bow of landing craft suspended alongside navy ship; in water alongside fAPA transport. Lower ship gangplank on side & small fishing boat approaching. 05:02:42 Crowded families below deck w/ belongings, eating & laying down. (dark) Refugees; Military; Operation Frequent Wind; Evacuees; Naval Evacuation; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold at per reel rate of two cards: 04:43:23 - 05:13:24. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: