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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250192-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1975
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: China Sea,Saigon not seen
TC Begins: 05:03:23
TC Ends: 05:13:24
Duration: 00:10:01
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1975: Evacuation of Saigon By CVA-41; Marines Moved. Apr75 Pt. 2 of 2 CU log 15 w/ Cobra ? insignia; crewman scrubbing nose of rescue helicopter; maintenance on it. LS men working on CH-47 Chinooks on aircraft carrier deck. k CU nose w/ no. 11 Annabell above logo. Marines HMM 164 on side of Chinook. Troops on superstructure; CU 41 w/ light bulbs around it. Several CH-53 helicopters lifting off from deck, CH-46 Sea Knight helicopters on carrier deck. Returning CH-53. 05:05:55 Slate: camera Degler; Departure U.S. Marines R-2. 06Apr75. CH-53 lifting off CV-41. MCU marines preparing to board helicopter; forklift & men pushing loading ammunition crates onto CH-46, men follow, CH-46 lefts off. Forklift loading CH-53 on deck of carrier. Returning CH-46 landing; marines boarding & lifting off. 05:08:20 Slate: Degler; Arrival helicopters’s to Midway, CV-41. 20Apr75. CH-53 landing, moving forward; CU rotor turning. Another landing & rolling forward w/ signalman, crewman ties down. Others landing. Crewmen watching. 05:10:56 Slate. Illegible. More landings of CH-53s; CUs, pilots, crew. HA parked CH-53s on deck. Deck shots. 05:12:28 Crewmen resting in shade of helicopter & on deck. CU machine gun barrell. LS deck; interior of CH-53 & machine gun. Adjusting rope on helicopter. Operation Frequent Wind; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold at per reel rate of two cards: 04:43:23 - 05:13:24 NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: