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Vietnam War - Color, 1975: Evacuation of Saigon Vietnamese to CVA-41. 29Apr75

Reel Number: 250201-03

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1975

Country: USA,Vietnam

Location: China Sea,Saigon not seen

TC Begins: 22:39:31

TC Ends: 22:59:01

Duration: 00:19:30

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk Vietnam War - Color, 1975: Evacuation of Saigon Vietnamese to CVA-41. 29Apr75 Slate: Camera, Degler USS Midway CVA-41 Evacuation of Sigon 29Apr75 Roll DR-3. General Nguyen Cao Ky walking to & past camera w/ others, circling in front of white CH-53, Navy 726 which lifts off. 22:40:05 Two Marine CH-53 lift off seen from aircraft carrier deck. Four others w/o markings follow. Landing on bow of aircraft carrier. Fire hose being pulled across deck. 22:41:56 CU weapons in white chest (brief). CH-53 w/o markings landing; MPs. Vietnamese unloaded and lead off w/ children & Americans all wearing tags, carrying bags of belongings. Approaching table & signing paperwork. Searching bags of belongings. Walking on w/ belongings & boarding CH-46s w/ motors running on carrier deck. YY 63990 lifting off. 22:44:27 Arriving Vietnamese & Americans down from flight deck to get paperwork; MCU w/ papers. 22:44:58 LS from behind of CH-46 lifting off. 22:45:31 Filipinos follow rope w/ F-8 fighter jet behind; boarding CH-53. 22:46:23 Arriving Vietnamese out of UH-1 (brief). 22:46:46 Slate: illegible. CU small kids waving into camera under cloth for shade. 22:47:09 Two Americans looking off side of ship. Marines sorting ammunition. HA of navy whale boat w/ crew thru swells; helicopter low. PIcking up pilot from water & returning to ship. 22:47:56 May be: UH-1 on edge of ship after clipping rotor of CH-46, dusk. 22:48:02 Darker. Women & children helped from UH-1 (different). UH-1 descending to deck. UH-1 ditching in ocean, upside down w/ rescue whale boat approaching. Two men swimming in water. 22:48:36 Darker. Approaching UH-1. Men on ship’s deck pushing UH-1 on edge of ship, slowly rolling off. 22:49:24 Leader. 22:49:34 Slate: 111-75 Camera A Swegan. Day. UH-1 w/o markings, descending. On deck, Vietnamese woman w/ young baby & tall American lead others off. Carrier flight elevator rising, filled completely w/ marines w/ packs & weapons; march off & board Marine CH-53s. Lifting off. 22:51:06 Arriving CH-47, landing & Vietnamese w/ children unloaded. 22:51:44 Marine CH-53 descending. American marine & civilians & Vietnamese off & past camera. Descending to hanger deck. GOOD. 22:53:24 Group led from CH-53 carrying luggage; past camera into hanger deck. 22:53:52 Slate: Degler. 27Apr75. Men pushing CH-47, CU GMNP 66-011 (may not be same helicopter). 22:54:05 MP w/ bayoneted rifle leaving CH-47. CU US marking. Man at machine gun, Vietnamese pilot. 22:54:37 UH-1 landing on edge of deck, people out, sentries watching & follow Vietnamese military men; past camera. MS pilot pulling off gloves, searched. Water buckets w/ weapons. 22:55:55 Crewmen removing chocks under CH-53, takes off . 22:56:13 Parked helicopters; Marine MP sentries waiting. White Navy 726 9930 CH-53 w/ General Nguyen Cao Ky walking w/ 3-star General & shaking hands w/ Americans, enter ship followed by Vietnamese civilians. 22:56:50 Low shot of multiple CH-53 w/ rotors turning & taking off lead by 726. 22:57:09 UH-1 approaching, landing. Vietnamese off & follow rope, men, women & children w/ sentries; getting paperwork. MCUs. Looking at belongings, given water Refugees; Evacuees; Naval Evacuation; China Sea; VIP; NOTE: Entire card sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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