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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250201-02-P1
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1975
Country: Cambodia,USA,Vietnam
Location: China Sea,Phnom Penh,Saigon not seen
TC Begins: 22:08:31
TC Ends: 22:38:44
Duration: 00:30:13
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Vietnam War - Color, 1975: Evacuation of Vietnam, Vietnamese to CVA; Phonm Penh. Apr75 Card 1 of 2 Vietnamese, marine guards on carrier deck as CH-46 Marine helicopter 64042 lands, standing waiting, Army translator & woman. Marines MPs sort boxes & stack of weapons, remove ammunition from belts; CU box: shipping tags. 22:09:49 Slate: 21Apr75 463rd & 1-9 in Saigon w/ Marine i.d. Marines working on CH-46 or CH-47 rear rotor, CU w/ ropes & forklift. UH-1s landing on carrier deck, Vietnamese military & civilians w/ kids off, searched. 22:12:16 CU spray painting helicopter, removing Marine markings, masking windows. CH-46 landing (brief), UH-1 w/ Vietnamese. 22:15:10 Slate. same. Vietnamese military walked across deck under guard; Marines empty weapons from helicopter, CUs & MS. CH-46 landing on deck. Pumping tires on helicopter; moving UH-1 & lowering to hanger deck. 22:17:12 Mechanics working on CH-46 rotors, MPs watch & move Vietnamese soldier. 22:17:55 Slate: 29Apr75 463 & 1-9. Hancock. Deck activity landing UH-1s; men sitting in N1306X Air America, waiting, CU MPs, LS deck of carrier & men out of 20104 Air America. 22:18:43 CH-46 hanging from deck, begin to push w/ forklift. 22:19:04 Leader 22:19:12 Aerial over aircraft carrier, helicopters & others ship seen, POV landing w/ signalman guiding. View of row of Marine CH-53 helicopters on carrier deck w/ motors running. Folding rotors of HMH-463. 22:21:47 POV over water, other helicopters & aircraft carrier & escort ship below; second carrier in background; behind & passing over other helicopters landing. POV hovering over deck & landing. Marines in battle gear running to other helicopters. 22:24:26 POV taking off above carrier. 22:24:44 Slate: 12Apr75 Phnom Penh 463 1/2/4 CH-53 landing on small park-like lot, marines run; POV out of UH-1 side door past machine gun, low over city, Mekong River; LS. CU of ?? drinking from canteen inside, other marines & ?? during flight. Two CH-53 alongside above clouds. CUs crew. 22:26:38 Over escort ship & aircraft carrier; view of helicopter landing. 22:27:02 Two CH-53 w/ ships behind. Over city, low. From ground of Marine CH-53 touching down, marines w/ rifles running out & boarding, helicopters on field, man shouting orders, lifting off past four-story apartment building 22:28:01 Marine signaling/ guiding landing CH-53. Marine sentries around field, more landings & marines running to board YH-15 & others. Lifting off. Marines line field w/ fixed bayonets, given pieces of paper. Cambodian children in shade watching marines, pan kids. 22:29:39 continued on card 2. Operation Frequent Wind ; Refugees; Evacuees; Naval Evacuation; China Sea; NOTE: Phnom Penh fell to Khmer Rouge 17Apr75. NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes sold at per reel rate of two cards: 22:08:31 - 22:38:44. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: