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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250185-05
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1975,1970s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Saigon not seen
TC Begins: 13:10:05
TC Ends: 13:18:46
Duration: 00:08:41
Vietnam War - Color, 1975, Shipboard Arrivals After Evacuation of Saigon, 30Apr75 Tired looking Marines on board amphibious cargo ship USS Durham (LKA-114) waiting to disembark for the aircraft carrier USS Hancock (CVA-19). CUs. 13:10:56 Cargo helicopter, Sikorsky CH-53 Sea Stallion in to land & marines walking past camera to board; LS boarding. 13:12:10 CH-53 lifting off USS Dunham. 13:12:29 Aboard flight deck USS Midway (CVA-41) w/ UH1B, Vietnamese refugees walking away; helicopter pushed over side of ship; Light plane landing (O1 spotter plane) 13:13:16 Crew & people walking on deck. Spotter plane pushed to edge. UH-1B no 290 landing. View of row of helicopters. Vietnamese refugees along edge of deck. Helicopters seen arriving, flying over low, landing. 13:15:46 Soldier throwing rifles & magazines over side of ship as crew watches. 13:15:58 Deck activity w/ helicopters & crew milling around. 13:16:14 LS of fleet on horizon. Helicopter approaching. CU crew on deck waiting. 13:16:58 CH-53 moved across deck. End slate: 30Apr75. 13:17:21 CH-53 approaching ship to land. 13:17:50 Marines w/ gear lined up & boarding into rear of helicopter. Signalman gesturing as Marine helicopter lifts off. Vietnam War Operation Frequent Wind / Evacuation of Saigon; Super Jolly Green Giant; Leaving; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.