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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250185-06
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1975,1970s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Saigon not seen
TC Begins: 13:18:52
TC Ends: 13:28:18
Duration: 00:09:26
Vietnam War - Color, 1975, USS Midway (CVA-41) Shipboard Arrivals After Evacuation of Saigon, 30Apr75 Slate. Utility helicopter UH1 / UH-1 lands on amphibious assault ship USS Okinawa (LPH-3). Vietnamese evacuees walk across deck, woman carrying baby. 13:19:16 Marines in battle dress on elevator rising to flight deck of aircraft carrier USS Midway (CVA-41) off past camera; move to load into rear of US Marine helicopter CH-53 / CH53. Two CH53 lifting off. 13:20:24 CH53 arriving / landing & Vietnamese women & children off, past camera. 13:21:02 CH53 Marines YF-16 approaching & landing w/ men, women & children past camera; includes priest & older women. Entering ship. 13:22:43 Another CH53 YF-2 unloading families w/ suitcases onto ship’s deck. 13:23:10 Slate: USS Midway (CVA-41) 27Apr75 Evacuation of Saigon, cameraman Degler. Large CH53 rolled w/ insignia GNP 66-0116 & Vietnamese flag painted on it. 13:23:55 UH1 landing on deck w/ fire truck & firemen watching. Other Vietnamese military VIPs under armed guard & searched; CU bucks holding confiscated items. 13:25:13 Aircrew pulling chocks from wheels, CU rotor turning; machine gunner in doorway besides minigun. Helicopter lifting off & out of sight. 13:25:31 UH1 w/ other helicopters behind. Marines standing wearing red life vests, 13:25:38 Pan helicopter Navy HC-1726 w/ Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Cao Ky off & past in civilian clothes w/ Vietnamese 3-star general. 13:26:09 Low angle shot across deck w/ multiple helicopters w/ rotors turning & Navy helicopter lifting off. UH1 landing & Vietnamese unloading & walking across deck holding onto rope. 13:27:18 CU people signing papers. MCUs. American crew searching documents; people given drinks. Vietnam War Operation Frequent Wind / Evacuation of Saigon; Super Jolly Green Giant; Leaving; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.