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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1915-14
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1970
Country: Cambodia,Norway
Location: Chalang,Preckchlong
TC Begins: 08:18:45
TC Ends: 08:46:06
Duration: 00:27:21
1970 - Cambodia, 9th Infantry Division, 08-14May70 POV of soldiers atop M-113 APCs moving along road thru heavy brush, looking forward & backwards. 08:19:22 Armored Vehicular Launch Bridge (AVLB) drives to edge of stream, bridge unfolds & spans stream. bridge spanning stream. Pet dog w/ driver; engineer guides placement. 08:20:38 Slate: May70. 147th ?. Slogan: The Good The Bad & The Ugly on ?? AVLB in place, convoy of APCs & M-48 tanks cross as several men watch. 08:22:46 Slate: 2/47th 9th Infantry. Cambodia 09May70. Armored vehicle approaches bridge, extends hydraulic cylinder, inserts in bridge, bridge is lifted & folded atop vehicle. 08:24:36 POV convoy entering a town, natives w/ hands in air, some waving. Natives line dirt road & wave to the passing vehicles. Thatched huts. POV past gunner. 08:27:01 Men and equipment in base camp. Shutter jitter. 08:27:59 Slate: 10May70. Soldiers stand about & atop tank - tank commander talks over radio. POV with moving tanks, past natives on bicycles along jungle dirt road. View of jeep & trucks following. GOOD POV alongside soldier riding on top. 08:29:43 Roadside signs, speed & plantation sign of Chalang (not legible). POV along road, turning off. 08:30:00 Slate: ?? Parked vehicle w/ Bandido Charlie on side. Men inspecting weapons cache found by company, estimated 30 tons including: rockets, mines, bangalore torpedoes, hand grenades & mortars. 08:32:38 Slate: 13May70 Cambodiaa 2/47th 9th Infantry. Rocket on launch rails . Other weapons (much dark due to heavy jungle foliage). 08:34:53 Hobart generator CU. 08:35:24 Slate: ??. South Vietnamese scout atop APC; out of jungle, past pond, down dusty dirt road. CU scout w/ gun at ready. 08:36:07 Double exposure. 08:36:43 Slate: 12May70 Sign: Chalang I - Champ D’Appel. Soldiers check question man, check deserted buildings in North Vietnamese camp. Young Asian soldier (child?); kids watching. CU movie poster. 08:38:02 Slate: 13May70 2/47th 9th Infantry, Cambodia. Soldier checks area with mine detector, another shovels (dark). CU mine detector. Passing mines by hand. 08:40:45 Slate: 13May70 etc. More passing mines hand to hand & stacking. (dark). Carrying large weapons. Gen William B Rosson looking at cache\ 08:43:28 Slate: 13May70 ect. Men looking at weapons cache. CUs of shells, ammunition. Vietnam War; Natives; Ethnic; NOTE: Any continuous 15 minutes may be purchased at per reel rate.