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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1916-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1967,1960s
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: Long Giao
TC Begins: 09:42:40
TC Ends: 10:04:27
Duration: 00:21:47
Vietnam War - Color, 1967: Operations of 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, Long Giao, 09-19Sep67 POV on convoy en route past Vietnamese huts, UH1C flies over convoy (shaky). 09:43:16 M48 tanks & M113 APCs in field. 09:43:41 POV from convoy along road, passing thru village (shaky) 09:44:26 Trucks lined up along road. 09:44:43 Slate: 09Sep67. Lost loop - Armored vehicles driving on road. NOTE: some may be useful. 09:47:21 Slate. M-48 tank standing by jungle stream. An AVLB (Armored vehicle launch bridge) had been put down across the stream; because of the soft bank bridge & launcher fell into the water. Various shots of bridge & launcher in stream. M48 tanks struggle & free the AVLB from the stream. M-48 crossing stream. 09:50:08 Slate. Bridge section of AVLB retracting. 09:51:48 M48 tank w/ dozer blade clearing area for new bridge location. AVLB placed across the stream. 09:53:00 Slate: Sep67. POV M48 tanks & M-113 APCs thru dense jungle. (Some edge fog). 09:55:11 Slate. Soldiers walk thru brush. M113s on jungle trail. M113s crossing open farm field tearing up crop. Soldiers search farm hut; looking for underground hiding places. 09:57:17 M48 tank crossing AVLB over stream. POV from tank thru jungle & across open ground w/ M113s seen ahead of the tank. Heavy mud. 09:58:57 Slate: ?6Sep67 Soldiers setting up camp in muddy cleared area w crane. Soldiers standing by M577 armored command post in field. Soldier sorting mail. Soldiers relax in sun on tanks & other vehicles 10:01:41 Slate: 17Sep67 Small track vehicle thru tall grass; POV from ?? M113 & POV. Other vehicles. Patrol leaving thru tall grass. Troops back in vehicles & moving. Equipment Disasters; Wetlands; 1960s;