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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221764-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s,1940s,1944
Country: Austria,Germany,Poland
Location: Berlin,Munich
TC Begins: 10:00:13
TC Ends: 10:08:02
Duration: 00:07:49
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: WWII - 1944, USA Propaganda Film re Germany R1 of 3 Main & opening explanatory titles. 10:00:49 POV from low plane over German countryside & town. 10:01:13 Bombs fall from plane, explosion. Int. Steel mill; montage: German manufacturing / tank factory, CU workers making weapons, welding, tool & die makers. 10:01:56 German husband w/ pipe & wife at home listening to radio broadcast. CU Goebbels, another Nazi. 10:02:17 Antennas. CU husband w/ pipe, CU wife beside radio. Town square & old lady, busy market street before war. 10:02:35 Montage: Docks, Industry, steel used for peaceful purposes, workers, bridges, modern apartment houses; trains, cars & other steel work. CU factory workers, Krupp factory (?). Chemistry laboratory w/ scientists in white overalls. 10:03:18 Wide overhead shot countryside, peasants in field raking hay w/ train in BG. POV from train. 10:03:26 Elevated train in Berlin, past Alexanderplatz, pre-war Berlin, cars, policeman. Riders on horses. Soup kitchen. Berlin at night. Beer poured. Cancan dancers, fireworks. Working-class Germans in pub. 10:04:32 Montage: soapbox speaker, people argue, policeman intervenes. Brown Shirts parade; Hitler makes speech, angry crowd raise fist. Men tear posters on wall at night. Boots goose-stepping. Hitler w/ party at opera standing, Nazi salute, Reich’s eagle. 10:05:30 Factory workers make artillery. Nazi soldiers marching, CU & LS. Austrian Anschluss. Nazi soldiers on horseback past border into Vienna, Austria. German VIPS stand, crowd salute at parade, war planes in formation. 10:06:38 Newspaper poster re Axis meet in Munich, Mussolini, Fascist soldiers. Nazi parade, MCU Hitler speech. Crowd at rally, Nazi salute. Rudolf Hess shouting ‘Sieg Heil”. 10:07:24 German flag w/ swastika, cannons fire, panzers & sidecars in countryside in Poland. Aerials of war planes, paratroopers out. German paratroopers on road wave Nazi flag as tanks pass. Pre-WW2 Germany; Industry; Daily Life; German Homefront; 1930s; 1940s; NOTE: Narrated by William L. Shire. Sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: