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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1661-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1968
Country: USA,Vietnam
Location: A Shau Valley
TC Begins: 16:22:21
TC Ends: 16:37:47
Duration: 00:15:26
Vietnam War - 1968, Operation Delaware (1st Air Cav. Div), I Corps Area 23May68 Slate: illegible. Soldiers picking up artillery rounds & carry them to truck after rocket hit on ammunition dump. 16:24:01 CH-47 helicopter picks up damaged UH-1D copter in sling, flies off. 16:25:03 Slate: illegible. Pan burned out ammunition dump. Soldiers picking up ammunition rounds & debris from airstrip. 16:26:11 Soldiers round up villagers, lead them away. 16:27:19 Slate: 23May68 Villagers gathered in group. Villagers are led across sandy terrain. People gathering their belongings together. MCUs. 16:29:57 Slate: same. CU sign: Air Mobile First Cavalry Airmobile Division Collection Point. 545th Military Police Company. LS tents & fenced enclosure. NVA and Vietcong prisoners dig in compound. Prisoners set sandbags in place. Prisoners digging w/ picks. 16:32:25 Slate: same. Suspects pick up papers in compound. 16:33:11 Officer conducts class on scouting for young Vietnamese men (Kit Carson scout students), w/ map & rifles. 16:35:01 Slate: same. Soldier distributes sox & pants to the scouts. 16:35:52 Slate: same. Soldiers take cover as they come under sniper fire in rice paddy. Soldiers fire M-16 rifles & M-60 machine guns / MGs from behind rice paddy dike. Prisoners; Concentration Camp; Holding Camp; NOTE: Operation Delaware, 19Apr-17May68 in A Shau Valley.