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Go to HomepageReel Number: H1610-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
TC Begins: 10:32:24
TC Ends: 10:47:05
Duration: 00:14:41
WWII - 1945, Color - GSAP; Elb Meeting, 24Feb45; Germans Tour Buchenwald 16Apr45; Airplane Burning 20Apr45; German POWs 26Apr45 Slate: team 2, 366st F.G. 389th SG date?? NN-26 . GSAP gun camera of diving & strafing several times site near road; strafing tank. 10:33:16 Slate: Same 18Apr45. F-17. Firing into forest near smoking ??; firing into woods near farm fields. Multiple passes. 10:34:35 Slate: 474th Group, 429th Sqd 24Feb45 Strip A-78. Russian & American or English generals at outdoor table smoking, talking via military interpreter in sunshine. MCUs. 10:35:40 Accordion & ?? playing, couples, mostly Russian, dancing. 10:35:53 Men holding up large Soviet flag, w/ US & Russian generals, CUs. USA Generals in helmets w/ Russian looking at USSR tank. 10:37:26 Slate: same. US officer w/ two Soviets in front of East Meets West sign beside Elb River. 10:37;52 Bright red banner in Russian & English across road w/ USSR flag, USSR Soviet soldiers beneath. CU of banner; MCU of Russian troops; US generals & officers talking to Russians. 10:38:46 MS Russian officers talk to women in street. 10:39:02 MS US officers & troops standing beside wooded hillside, smoking & talking. US officers seated in scull w/ Russians rowing them across. CU East Meets West poster on bank of Elb; soldiers shaking hands in front. 10:40:12 Slate: Mainzer, MM-10 16Apr45 Buchenwald. Germans file out of required viewing of concentration camp. Walking past watching freed inmates, some w/ triangles on coats. 10:40:57 Two Russian soldiers pose w/ ??. American soldier poses w/ two Russian soldiers, shake hands. Russians officers talk to two women (brief). 10:41:30 Slate: 20Apr Luzena. LL-31. Jeep, staff car & half-track across wooden bridge w/ people watching. LS convoy crossing same bridge w/ village in background. 10:42:06 CU plane burning on field, hanger destroyed in background. MS Shots of German plane burning; jeeps etc past destroyed wooden hanger. 10:43:40 Formations of bombers overhead. 10:43:56 CU part of gas-mask & sign: Flugleitung Unterkunft . GI kicks aside & enters building. 10:44:07 German bomber burning on field, jeep pulls up. 10:44:17 Slate: 26Apr45 Luzena. LL-33. German officers / prisoners handed food by US soldiers from stack of boxes outdoors while filing past. 10:45:48 LS of POWs filing past getting food. Soldiers past. A few pulled aside by US soldier. 10:46:35 Prisoners in pen in field, pan across large group. WW2; Germany; Celebrating; Military; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate.