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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221740-09
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1936
Country: USA
Location: Boston,Massachusetts,New York City,NYC Wilderness,Virginia
TC Begins: 16:10:23
TC Ends: 16:20:12
Duration: 00:09:49
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: Titles. 16:10:49 High angle above New York City’s Broadway, night w/ neon & moving electric lights; large marquee for The Great Ziegfeld. Street level shots of cars & theater marquees. 16:10:58 Montage: People entering theater w/ sign behind: New Orleans Federal Theatre on wall. CU marquee: The Fool Now Playing; women looking at advertising in lobby. Marquee: Playhouse - The Devil Passes - Federal Theatre Attraction; interior advertisement: Herrmann The Great w/ pictures; people waiting at ticket window; stage w/ orchestra in pit & actors & chorus girls / dancers on stage singing re Uncle Sam can make you anything you want to be”. 16:11:38 Intertitle: Lusty & glamorous was the Theatre of Yesterday, when every actor worth his salt was a hardened trouper. 16:11:46 Railroad platform, people off trains & trunks & luggage unloaded & loaded onto horse drawn wagon. CU Large lithograph advertising poster. Acting troupe in railroad station buying tickets, talking, MCUs. CU Vaudeville advertising poster. Small stage w/ curtain raised; SOF couple act, Jimmy & Florence Punckets on center stage in front of painted backdrop singing & tap dancing as orchestra plays; poster Welton & Morgan The Dapper Dan Duo tap dancers, one sitting & one standing, performing & singing. Applauding audience. 16:13:36 Poster: De Courscy (?) & Jameson in A Wisp of Song. Singing & waltzing, off stage & returning. 16:14:23 CU sign: To Rent, Theatre - 600 Seats... 29 S. La Salle St., view empty front. Biltmore Theater. CU Variety newspaper, headline: B/Way Faces Dismal Season, March 14, 1933. 16:14:32 Intertitle: “As 30,000 destitute show people clamor for work, a new firm, biggest & richest in the world, enter the theatrical business.” 16:14:41 Ext w/ traffic past of office or theater. Interior w/ secretaries & Hallie Flanigan of Vasser College Experimental Theater, at desk as director of Federal Theatre Project talking w/ two men. 16:14:56 Truck pulling Federal Theater Project portable theater stage / wagon. MLS of minstrel show; CU advertising handbills for productions. High angle of scattered sparse audience in theater. 16:15:14 MCU three male actors on stage, SOF. Montage: office workers, people unpacking / assembling sets at CCC camp, Wilderness, Virginia; SOF actors performing for CCC workers. 16:15:51 CU Gilbert & Sullivan poster for Pinafore. SOF actors singing w/ gestures & ornate curtain drops. 16:16:17 Ext. of kids & parents entering Marionette Theatre of Magic Strings. Interior high angle above puppets performing, operators, view of elaborate stage w/ many figures. 16:16:38 Office w/ men at desks reading stacks of arriving plays, WPA sign on wall. Men printing, assembling, & stapling. 16:16:50 Night, lighted sign: The Repertory Theatre of Boston...”It Can’t Happen Here” Now Playing. Int. crowds in lobby, audience, stage w/ actors: “we’re having a book-burning on the green tomorrow night...” Sinclair Lewis author. 16:17:31 CU program: MacBeth. Stage of actors doing Black MacBeth w/ fight scene & many extras. 16:17:52 Montage: Ext. Paramount Pictures studios. Int. w/ Adolph Zukor at desk talking to John Houseman (?). CU Federal-NBC Units to Use Film Houses. People entering; carpenters, costume designers & other technicians working. Measuring waist of fat man / actor; seamstresses; painting sets; modern dancers practicing; marquee; orchestra; curtain up & actors singing, MCUs, The End. Depression; 1936; Pre-WW2; Pre-WWII; Unemployed; Culture; Arts; NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: