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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221773-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1937,1930s
Country: USA
Location: Baltimore,Georgia,Maryland,Pennsylvania,Reading,warm springs
TC Begins: 06:16:09
TC Ends: 06:24:15
Duration: 00:08:06
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1937 ca - USA: Aviation B-17 in Flight; Hosiery Strike Settled; FDR Arrives Warm Springs Aerial, B-17 bomber w/ USAAF markings climbing in flight above city w/ bay in background, light snow on ground. CU motors. Over farmland & along coast or lakeshore (Great Lakes ?). LS, MS & CUs. 06:19:42 MCU & CUs. Low angle / LA of man in business suit posing outside Branch 10, American Federation of Hosiery Workers Office. 06:20:03 Other union leaders pose on steps. 06:20:27 View of city thru heavy smoke / smog from hilltop. Some tall buildings, large Hosiery mills / factories visible. 06:21:38 President Roosevelt standing & waving on observation platform of railroad car, moving along holding onto rail. MCU FDR smiling, w/ daughter & others. Wave to newsreel camera & people turn to look. train platform. 06:22:51 MS kids waving to camera; LS w/ policeman watching. Adults & others standing & waving in front of window w/ sign above: Colored. Warm Springs, Georgia train station. 06:23:36 LS FDR motorcade approaching down road w/ Secret Service agents on running boards. CU FDR in car greeted by ?? Polio; Depression; Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2 Aircraft; Segregation Sign; NOTE: B-17 was produced 1936 - 1945. Branch 10, American Federation of Hosiery Workers settled strike against various plants per Reading Eagle Newspaper, 01Apr37. NOTE: Part or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: