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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221112-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1939,1930s
Country: Czechia,Czechoslovakia,Germany
Location: Helgoland,heligoland Berlin ?,Prague
TC Begins: 00:25:36
TC Ends: 00:32:13
Duration: 00:06:37
1939 ca - Germany: Hitler Attends Naval Review & Party Conference - Baron von Neurath Arrives In Prague Hitler greets crowds of people on covered deck of liner. Nazi & naval flags flying from masts. Aerial view German submarine pulling alongside ship. Hitler & party watch from promenade deck. Hitler returns to dock on island of Helgoland after viewing submarine?; Nazi salutes. Hitler greets child surrounded by uniformed Nazi officers. Civilian women cheer. Hitler shakes hands w/ civilians. Hitler on deck w/ group of Kriegsmarine sailors. 00:27:18 Si. Luftwaffe flyover. Hitler & Nazi officials inc. Goering review parade in Berlin? - French VIPs present? INT Nazi party conference - Nazi salutes & applause - pan across packed hall, Hitler seen on podium? - CU Nazi party chiefs inc. Hess. Side shot from stage as Hitler walks to podium. EXT rich-looking civilians & military VIPs at parade. 00:30:25 Sd. Prague, Mar39 - Tracking shot along streets following motorcade of Baron Konstantin von Neurath - arriving to take office as Reichsprotektor / Governor of Bohemia & Moravia - crowds wave. Von Neurath out of car at Castle of Hradschin - salutes. INT von Neurath greets town officials / mayor. Parade through town w/ German cavalry troops, gun carriages - officer w/ eye patch, not German? Planes fly over. Motorcade across bridge in city Ends abruptly. Pre-WW2 Germany; Nazi Occupation; Pre-WWII;