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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221381-03-P1
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: DC,Washington
TC Begins: 11:18:32
TC Ends: 11:24:24
Duration: 00:05:52
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1940 - Presidential Roosevelt: Excerpts Arsenal of Democracy Fireside Address. 29Dec40 Pt 1 of 2 Interior w/ large lights on in ?? Silhouetted technicians walking. 11:18:43 MCU front shot, FDR seated at desk w/ single microphone & window & curtains behind, waiting. 11:18:55 SOF: “This is a talk on national security, because the nub of the whole purpose of your President is to keep you now, & your children later, and your grandchildren much later, out of a last-ditch war for the preservation of American independence & of all the things that American independence means to you and to me and to ours. (material missing; seems to be a re-take from published as no edit visible) 11:19:26 Never before since Jamestown and Plymouth Rock has our American civilization been in such danger as now. (material missing - no visible edit) The Nazi masters of Germany have made it clear that they intend not only to dominate all life and thought in their own country, but also to enslave the whole of Europe, and then to use the resources of Europe to dominate the rest of the world. 11:20:01 Stops & moves his eye glasses which he had been holding. (material missing) 11:20:07 Closer shot, waits, then starts, SOF: “In view of the nature of this undeniable threat, it can be asserted, properly & categorically, that the United States has no right or reason to encourage talk of peace, until the day shall come when there is a clear intention on the part of the aggressor nations to abandon all thought of dominating or conquering the world. (”At this moment” - missing) The forces of the states that are leagued against all peoples who live in freedom, are being held away from our shores. The Germans & the Italians are being blocked on the other side of the Atlantic by the British, & by the Greeks, & by thousands of soldiers & sailors who are able to escape from subjugated countries. (”In Asia” - missing) The Japanese are being engaged in China, in Asia, by the Chinese nation in another great defense. In the Pacific Ocean is our fleet.” (edit - some material missing) 11:21:35 “A gun loaded with explosive bullets, economic as well as military.” Stops & moves papers. Edit. 11:21:48 CU, waiting, SOF: “Frankly & definitely there is danger ahead - danger against which we must prepare. But we well know that we cannot escape danger, or the fear of it, by crawling into bed & pulling the covers over our heads.” (material missing - no visible edit). “Germany has said that she was occupying Belgium to save the Belgians from the British. Would she hesitate then to say to any South American country: We are occupying you to protect you from aggression by the United States? Belgium is being used as an invasion base against Britain, now fighting for its life. And any South American country, in Nazi hands, would always constitute a jumping-off place for German attack on any one of the other Republics of this hemisphere. (material missing) 11:23:09 We think of Hawaii as an outpost of defense in the Pacific. Yet, the Azores are closer to our shores in the Atlantic than Hawaii is on the other side. (end of take) 11:23:32 CU, FDR waits for camera. SOF: “There are those who say that the Axis powers would never have any desire to attack the Western Hemisphere. This is the same dangerous form of wishful thinking which has destroyed the powers of resistance of so many conquered peoples. (missing material) Let us no longer blind ourselves to the undeniable fact that the evil forces which have crushed and undermined and corrupted so many others are already within our own gates. Your Government knows much about them and every day is ferreting them out. Continued... Pre-WWII; Pre-WW2; Americana; Radio Address; NOTE: Two cards (11:18:32 - 11:26:09) sold at per reel rate. This is a filming done for newsreel cameras of sections of the radio address. We have transcribed exactly what was filmed, NOT the broadcast. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: