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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221534-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940
Country: USA
Location: New York City,NYC
TC Begins: 15:12:19
TC Ends: 15:22:01
Duration: 00:09:42
Night, tracking shot along car past neon signs, pedestrians & parked cars in city. Main title in light bulbs. 15:12:43 New York City Times Square, night neon lights & advertising signs intercut w/ film credits. Night club signs, people in tuxedoes & club interiors, dancing, holding hands superimposed w/ outdoor signs. 15:13:41 CU doorman blowing whistle, taxi & people into cab. Waiter clearing table, doorman takes off collar, musician puts down horn. Skyscrapers w/ lights going out. Policeman walking twirling nightstick baton. 15:14:30 Small loaded truck at night past, stops. Sign: Port of New York Authority, Holland Tunnel, pan to semi-truck at toll booth moving into tunnel w/ traffic. GOOD. Truck runby; 59th Street Bridge. Other truck traffic past; loading fruit & truck out of barn. Highway. Dairy tank trucks, man checks watch against 3 am clock. MCU wheels past. Esso gasoline truck delivering to service station. Newspaper trucks, coal trucks, bakery & bread trucks. Various freight. Cars on truck. Dawn. 15:17:06 Skyscrapers around Central Park, man out of apartment house to mop sidewalk. Looks up, open windows. 15:17:19 Alarm clock, 7 am. CU Feet out of bed, into slippers, hands in shower; toast into toaster; men work on power lines. Breakfast table & trucks carrying goods. Orange juice, eggs on plate; bacon; coffee, sugar. 15:19:14 Central Park West w/ light traffic; small town main street & diagonal parking. Woman shopping at open front market w/ grocer showing celery & farm of lettuce, potatoes, pigs & cattle. Meat market & butcher. 15:20:12 Department store exterior, factory, traffic. Refrigerators loaded onto truck. Furniture loaded. Country highway, trucks past. Unloaded on loading dock. Logging trucks to sawmill & dumped into log pond. hay trucks & others. Montage of drivers & trucks. The End. Pre-WWII USA Homefront; Americana Myths; 1940s; Promotion; Trucking Industry; Nightlife; Sponsored Films; Ford Motor Company Advertisement; Pre-WW2 Daily Life;