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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220548-04
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1940s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 11:40:51
TC Ends: 12:06:44
Duration: 00:25:53
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1940s - Colour, Transportation, USA: Railroadin’ American trains. Beautiful Colour Pan over city & and railroad trains. Wilderness. Steam & electric trains past camera in rural, small town & city settings, into rail yards & stations, electric & diesel. 11:42:47 Felling tree. Early Americana & settlers - dramatized - pioneers building log cabin. Settlers chopping wood to clear land. Boy w/ flock of sheep; woman at spinning wheel. Couple sowing seeds. CU bare feet walking; hooves; wheels. 11:44:12 Man puts up anti-railroad poster & townsmen protest against railroad installation. Locomotive arrives & townsmen are conquered. Map shows sprawling rail network across USA. Montage of harvesting w/ horses, dam, factory chimneys. Industrialization. Skyscraper. Activity at harbor in Great Lake region - shipping iron ore. Large piles of ore by railway line in town. Steel mill. Loading Dodge crates & heavy goods. Tractors on freight train. LS Levittown-style military town in wilderness. Military troops board train on way to front & waving goodbye. GOOD CU. 11:48:43 Long horn cattle; rustlers; coyotes or wolves. Cattle into pens at stock yards. Meat carcasses in slaughterhouse. Various types of train cars. Engineer waving. Shipping grain; lumber. Trucks. GOOD) 11:51:25 Tank cars thru mountains. Boxcars across river on ferry. Boxes & bale on loading dock for shipping. Coal unloading system using automated elevator. Rail yard & controller in tower, signaling system. Gravity switching. 11:55:50 POV of train thru tunnel. Steam locomotive over camera. Maintenance work & streamliners. 11:56:41 Horses in pen in sandstorm w/ cowboy. Aerial view flooded town (models). Old woman looks at rain thru window. Laundry blowing on line. Snowplow clearing tracks (GOOD). Train runbys thru falling snow or snowy landscapes. Illustration of development of trains. Dramatization - Turn-of-the-century frontier town scene re time zones. Map USA with time zones. 12:00:22 Activities on train: young women seated inside train car w/ stunning landscapes. Train hostess & steward, eating in dining car. Couple looks at leaflet “travel on credit”, playing cards, writing letter. Men doing business deal. Chat in compartment. Barber. Woman takes off bathrobe for shower. New York City skyline. Waterfall. Fishing in river. Sailing race. Waterskiing. Skiing. Geyser. Train thru deep canyon. 12:04:16 Railway Express trucks with tiger logo. Boxes. CU label. Boxes open to reveal dried flower, chicks, chicken, baby alligator. Pony express rider galloping fast on horseback - train past. Sorting mail. Various people look at train passing. Train past NYC skyline. Studio set - elaborate shot w/ train seen thru windows of various families having dinner. The End. Subsidized Transportation Myth; Advertising; Promotional Film; 1940s; WW2; WWII; NOTE: Any continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: