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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221321-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942
Country: USA
Location: Fort Shafter,Hawaii
TC Begins: 17:00:03
TC Ends: 17:16:17
Duration: 00:16:14
1942 - Hawaiian Department, Ranger Combat Training School, Pt 1 of 2 Dir. Lt. Col. Francois D’Eliscu 17:00:49 Title: Men double time 6 mi on 14 mi hike. Completed in 2:40. 17:01:01 Jogging past in helmets w/ rifles along paved road. Title: Arriving at Waianae. Marching towards & past camera. Title: Artificial Resuscitation. Instructor demonstrating first aid on sandy beach in swim suits; all do it. Title: Firemen Lift. Men carrying each other on sand. 17:02:24 Title: Rangers Must Run Long Distances - Men start & end 6 mile run. Large group begin, run past barracks, across fields and finish w/ sprint. Stand breathing hard. (one looks to be American Indian). 17:03:41 Title: Cargo Net Technique. Men climbing & over beam on top, down other side of four tall nets. 17:04:11 Title: Wall Scaling - Essential Training for Raiding & Sabotage. Men run & jump, pulling over wall; others helping up tall wall. 17:04:51 Title: Section of training area & preliminary conditioning exercises. LS red earth hills & men & equipment. MCU helmets & small packs sitting on planks of grandstand, pan to men exercising on ground. Judo / hand to hand fighting demonstrated by instructor & men w/ much dirt on clothes practicing tossing & grabbing partners. Title: Jungle Crawling. Men practicing crawling thru red mud under low metal frame w/ barbed wire. Men crawling up hillside; sliding down in dust. 17:07:01 Sailors firing flame-throwers over heads of trainees climbing out of slit trench & under wires; spectators watching from bleachers & hillside. Title: Scattering Drill. Instructor lecturing, men get up & run as small plane flies over low, firecrackers go off. View of men climbing into & out of foxholes. 17:08:29 Title: Rough & Tumble w/ 100 lb sacks of sand. Men running in group to sandbags & fighting with another group to capture them. 17:09:04 Title: Tug of War... Two teams with heavy rope. 17:09:30 Title: Field Hospital- Especially for Ranger Students. MCU Red Cross flag; Ambulance parked beside small wooden building. 17:09:46 Banner: Start! Jungle Obstacle Course. CU pointer on map of obstacle course. Men w/ bayonets on rifles crossing on netting over pit, LS & MCL. Crossing slippery boards, hillside, jumping ditch; running over logs, boards, barbed wire; hanging from ropes crossing deep pit; climbing rope to beam; down netting. 17:13:01 Wading muddy stream w/ rifles over head. Down steep dirt hillside. 17:13:49 Title: Running Obstacle Course W/ Gas Mask. Men running & jumping over logs. Crossing net over pit & up slippery boards; thru bushes. 17:14:55 Title: Thousand Lb. logs condition men to carry supplies and heavy weapons in combat. LS groups of men carry, lift logs, throw & catch. Carry up, across & down steep hillside. Continued... WWII; WW2; Army Training; Color; Violence; Calisthenics; Body Building; Teamwork; Endurance; Killing; NOTE: Any continuous twelve minutes of film sold at per reel rate.