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1942 - Hawaiian Department, Ranger Combat Training School, Pt. 2 of 2

Reel Number: 221321-02

Color: Colour

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1942

Country: USA

Location: Fort Shafter,Hawaii

TC Begins: 17:16:17

TC Ends: 17:35:07

Duration: 00:18:50

1942 - Hawaiian Department, Ranger Combat Training School, Pt 2 of 2 Continued... Title: Commando Rope - Exercises for agility, strength, precision. LS men in pairs pulling, tugging on handheld rope; three-legged race; crawling across field. MCU instructor w/ rope pulls man. Men practice capturing & tying each other w/ rope in various ways. 17:18:29 Instructor demonstrating garroting w/ thin wire; poking out eyes. 17:19:04 Title: Instructions on booby traps / aka boobytraps. Men sitting on red dirt watching demonstration on platform in front; CU string attached to device. Title: Sabotaging w/ Molotov cocktail. Man throws against rock & it explodes w/ fire & smoke. Title: Grenade Throwing. instructor demonstrates pulling pin & throwing. LS men practicing throwing grenades from on grow & falling flat; throw from in trench. 17:20:33 Title: Mud-ouflage. Men applying mud to own face, to others; in trench in helmets w/ mud. Men throw grenades at fire crackers; crawl alongside logs w/ grenades & throw through hoops. 17:21:25 Title: Rifle & Bayonet Exercises. Men fighting over dummy rifles; trip each other & fight in mud. 17:21:59 Instructor in muddy clothes at microphone on platform. High angle of men practicing w/ bayonets in field, sparring w/ each other. With smoke, attacking men in trenches, on slippery slope. 17:23:19 Instructor demonstration of capture of another man w/ bayonet on rifle on platform; men practice, watch. Various take-downs. Run & stabbing targets. GOOD. 17:24:55 Title: Jungle Use of Basic Weapons. Instructor demonstrating machine gun on tripod; men practice approach & fire w/ rifle; stance w/ Thompson Machine Gun. Rapid firing practice. 17:26:38 Title: Knives are jungle weapons. Instructor demonstrates approaching trench; others practice crawling to trench. Instructor w/ two knives; fighting man w/ one; others practice. Same thing w/ machetes showing capture & take down. Title: Slashing. Practiced on dummy. 17:28:48 Title: Weapons Designed & Built by Students. Knife display on wall & table. Title: Visitors. Demonstration for spectators on grandstand & hillside; pan across. MCU, army officers. 17:29:39 Title: Assault course w/ gas masks under fire. Men jog towards camera thru smoke w/ rifles, stabbing targets w/ bayonets. MCU running past. GOOD. 17:30:56 Over obstacles on hillside; creeping up path; firing rifles; across obstacles & bayoneting targets. Climbing muddy ravine & firing rifles. Wading stream, crossing log over stream & ditch, fire crackers. 17:34:36 Title card: “Our soldiers must have the fighting spirit...Kill or be killed. Lt. Gen Lesley James McNair. “We are not going to be killed.” The End. WWII; WW2; Army Training; Color; Violence; Calisthenics; Body Building; Teamwork; Endurance; Killing; NOTE: Any continuous twelve minutes of film sold at per reel rate.

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