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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250040-05
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Canada
Location: Ottawa
TC Begins: 06:29:23
TC Ends: 06:36:14
Duration: 00:06:51
1944 - Canada, Sixth Victory Loan Campaign Speeches, 24Apr-13May44 Prime Minister MacKenzie King speaking outdoors to crowd & CBC microphones, SOF: “Every dollar, every cent, that you subscribe to the Victory Loan will help to bring the war nearer to its close and to spare further loss of human rights.” 06:29:40 Give plaque to soldier in full battle gear, others receiving plaques. CU shield w/ VI logo (logo of Loan #6, 24Apr-13May44), tilt up as officer walks King to seat, other civilian VIPs follow. 06:30:20 King speaking SOF; “Let us face reality, let us not be deceived into believing the war will soon end. The war will end only when the power of the United Nations has become so overwhelming that neither Germany nor Japan can resist any longer.” 06:30:46 Louis Stephen St. Laurent speaking in French at same podium. 06:31:43 ?? English “The obligations of war weigh heavily upon each & every Canadian. Whatever we at home may do cannot in any way be compared w/ the sacrifices that those in our armed force face are prepared to face, but I do know that their deeds can be borne more & more easily when they know what we at home do to give them support is being done cheerfully & to the best of our ability...Major Paul Triquet V.C... 06:32:23 Major Paul Triquet speaks w/ French accent in English... 06:32:58 ?? speaks, English, accepting International War Shields... 06:33:18 LS w/ crowd in front of Canadian Parliament building. 06:33:39 MS sailors & soldiers receiving plaques handed out w/ Parliament behind. CU plaque w/ Victory logo held for camera. Jeeps & soldiers leaving; pan over military band. Plane fly-over, crowd leaving. WW2 Canada Homefront; 1944 or 1945; War Bonds; Victory Bonds; 6th Victory Loan Campaign;