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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220564-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: USA
Location: Hollywood, Los Angles, California
TC Begins: 11:42:38
TC Ends: 11:44:58
Duration: 00:02:20
1946 - Motion Picture Industry: Hollywood, Columbia Strike & Bombing. ca 15Nov46 SOF Man in front of bombed bungalow speaks to camera in front of microphones: “Two efforts have been made to intimidate me, last Friday morning eight car loads of men tried to prevent me from going to work. When this failed they tried to do it by throwing a bomb at my house at two o’clock in the morning...would have gone into a bedroom where two children were sleeping. Now I am a union man, I have been for ten years & intend to remain so. But I’m one of 10,000 people in Hollywood that are caught in this jurisdictional dispute, but we still insist on this American privilege of working when & where we feel like.” 11:43:56 Si. MLS Police cross road to arrest pickets / leaders & walk off w/ them past camera. Smile at camera. NOTE: some may be recognizable. Post-WWII Labor Union Organizing; Post-WW2 Motion Picture Studios; 1940s; NOTE: If requested will provide 11:42:38 - 11:48:21 (2 cards) at per reel rate.