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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221730-07
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1946
Country: Spain,USA
Location: United Nations
TC Begins: 19:41:53
TC Ends: 19:46:34
Duration: 00:04:41
1946 - United Nations, Security Council Meeting Discussing Spain’s Franco Regime, Jun46 (?) Herbert Vere Evatt, Australian delegate, speaking to United Nations Security Council, supporting principals of three-power declaration of 04Mar to refer the matter to General Assembly for consideration & action. 19:42:29 LS of Security Council w/ USSR, United Kingdom & others seen, Andrei Gromyko speaking (Russian). MS & CU. 19:42:49 MS ?? of Mexico listening. Pan to Australian delegate, MCU. 19:43:09 LS pan while Gromyko speaks in English “nevertheless, Great Britain & the United States did not want to take definite steps against Spain at this time.” 19:43:25 ?? SOF in English: “thus I consider that the recommendations do not go the whole way, however they accept in principal.” (abrupt end). 19:43:44 LS voting for. 19:43:53 LS voting against. Tally called: “6 against, 2 in favor.” 19:44:32 United Kingdom desk, English speaker (SOF): “I am under the handicap of representing a permanent member of the Council w/ what is known as a veto in my pocket. Well now I have made no secret of the views of my government; I tried to put them quite fairly yesterday. I moved an amendment before the Council; the decisive defeat of that amendment shows...that there is an overwhelming majority of the Council in favor of the resolution proposed by Dr. (Evatt?). My government would not wish by the...veto to go against the will of the overwhelming majority of the Council, therefore I cast my vote in favor & in doing that I feel I am casting it, I am casting a vote against the defiance of the majority rather than in support of the resolution. You know that I made very civil objections to parts of the resolution; and in casting my vote in favor I had to make perfectly plain two points: one is that my government reserves the right at the 4th General Assembly to raise the whole ?? issue. And the second is that they are not, at this stage, committed to any particular action against Spain.” 19:45:57 LS of Security Council over ?? SOF in French & MS voting. MS Gromyko voting against. Post-WW2; Post-WWII; Franco Regime; Recommendation; Discussion; Diplomacy; Dictators; NOTE: Relates to either Security Council Resolution Four of 29Apr46, or Seven of 26Jun46 (most likely), or Ten of 04Nov46.