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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220706-01
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1947
Country: Austria
Location: Vienna
TC Begins: 03:00:18
TC Ends: 03:04:52
Duration: 00:04:34
Allied Control Council - Conference of German Assets Exterior of building of the Allied Control Council. LS War memorial to the Red Army. Arrival of General V. Kurasov, Russian delegate and chief of Russian zone of Austria. Kurasov inspecting guard of honour. 03:00:56 Arrival of Sir James Steele, British delegate and chief of British Zone - salutes GOH. War memorial. Major T.W. Winterton arrives. General Marie-Emile Bethouart (French delegate) inspecting GOH. Lt. General Geoffrey Keyes (US Delegate). 03:01:46 Allied Control Council in session. Present are Kurasov, Jeltov, Kisslev, Bethouart, Steele and many others. Various shots council round table. 03:02:52 Conference of German Assets. Delegates seated at long table include David Ginsburg, US. George Randal, British. Kisslev, Russian and Cherriere, France. Various shots different delegations during meeting. 1947; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Diplomacy;