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1948 - Newsreel: Greece WW2 Memorial Parade; Israel Fighting; Truman Victory

Reel Number: 220637-07

Color: Black and White

Sound: SIL

Year / Date: 1948,1940s

Country: Greece,Israel,Palestine,USA

Location: Athens,Negev,New York City,NYC: South Salem, Massachusetts,Washington, DC

TC Begins: 15:18:31

TC Ends: 15:23:35

Duration: 00:05:04

NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk 1948 - Newsreel: Greece WW2 Memorial Parade; Israel Fighting; Truman Victory Intertitle: News in Brief - Greece. Hails War Heroes US military w/ Colours marching w/ Greeks in WWII Remembrance day parade thru Athens streets. Veterans, pushed in wheelchairs by nurses; soldiers w/ dogs in parade. Greek naval sailors or marines march past;Troops march past. Veterans (?) watch from wall. Post-WW2 Ceremony; 1948; 15:19:16 Slug. 15:19:22 Intertitle: Palestine. People pinned down by roadside. Soldiers firing from ancient stone columned building. Mosque tower minaret & dome. 15:19:39 Dead soldiers body on ground. Soldiers firing light machine guns from ditch bank, CU barrel firing. Soldiers in jeep w/ wounded. 15;19:51 Soldiers marching arrested Arabs thru village street. CUs captured Arabs w/ hands in air; 15:20:09 Slug. 15:20:12 Intertitle: Truman Wins! - Democrats Upset All Forecasts And Seize Congress... 15:20:16 Line of voters wait outside polling station to cast vote in election. MS interiors voting; man signing register; man leaves voting booth. 15:20:34 Pan over apartment / tenement Harlem blocks. 15:20:41 Governor Dewey & wife out of car. Press photographers & cameraman outside building & hanging off balconies. Interior w/ cameramen & Dewey signing register. Good MS. 15:21:06 Harry Truman walks up steps smiling past reporters. Inside, voting w/ Margaret & Bess. 15:21:36 Exterior Library of South Salem, Henry Wallace & wife pose. CU. Leaves booth. 15:21:50 LS small government building. CU Strom Thurmond & wife pose. Interior voting. 15:22:07 Interior w/ NBC & others of the press waiting for the vote tallying. Nice shot group of cameramen and reporters at microphones; women at tabulating machines. 15:22:28 Group of newsreel cameramen pretending to be asleep by cameras; Man & woman sleeping on couch. Reading teletype wire service machines. Reporter at microphone talking (MOS). 15:22:42 Celebration party in ballroom; MS applauding; CU couple dancing; men shaking hands, CU Western Union telegram of congratulations from Dewey. 15:22:57 MCU Truman smiling. Truman at desk w/ superimposed subtitles: “All my efforts will be devoted to the cause of peace in the World and the prosperity of our people here at home.” White House. 15:23:13 Exterior Capitol, carpenters erecting seating stands & inaugural platform. GOOD. 15:23:31 MCU Truman at microphone Post-WWII; Middle East Fighting; Prisoners; USA Presidential Election; Upset Victory; NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: www.footagefarm.co.uk or contact us at: Info@Footagefarm.co.uk

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