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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250037-14
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL and SD
Year / Date: 1948
Country: USA
Location: DC,New York City,NYC,Washington
TC Begins: 00:32:15
TC Ends: 00:37:55
Duration: 00:05:40
1948 - Truman Speech to Joint Session of Congress, 17Mar48 00:32:15 17Mar48 Title: One World? Czech Grab Brings Truman Warning. Capitol & arrival of motorcade. Int. & Truman to podium for Joint Session of Congress, SOF: Most of the countries of the World have joined together in the United Nations in an attempt to build world order based on law, and not on force. Most of the members support the United Nations...stronger & more effective. 00:33:00 “...will be met by an equal determination on our part to help them protect themselves.” 00:33:10 “...but that is not all. Since the close of hostilities the Soviet Union & its agents have destroyed the independence & democratic character of a whole series of nations in eastern & central Europe. It is this ruthless course of action, & the clear design to extend it to the remaining free nations of Europe, that have brought about the critical situation in Europe today. I regard it as my duty therefore, to recommend to the Congress those measures which in my judgement are best calculated to give support to the free & democratic nations of Europe & to improve the solid foundation of our national strength. First, I recommend that the Congress speedily complete its actions on the European Recovery Program. That program is the foundation of our policy of assistance to the free nations of Europe. Prompt passage of that program is the most telling contribution we can now make toward peace. Second, I recommend prompt enactment of Universal Training Legislation. Until the free nations of Europe have regained their strength, & so long as Communism threatens the very existence of Democracy, the United States must remain strong enough to support those countries of Europe which are threatened w/ Communist control & police state rule. Third, I recommend the temporary re-enactment of Selective Service legislation in order to maintain our Armed Forces at the strength authorized. The recommendations I have made represent the most urgent steps to securing the peace & preventing war.” Applause. European Security; ERP; Marshall Plan; Military Conscription; Central Europe; Post-WW2; Post-WWII; 00:35:06 President Truman in formal dress at podium, Astor Hotel NYC, SOF: “We must not fall victim to the insidious propaganda that Peace can be obtained solely by wanting Peace. This theory is advanced in the hope that it will deceive our people and that we will then permit our strength to dwindle because of the false belief that all is well in the world. I do not want, & I will not accept the political support of Henry Wallace & his Communists. (applause) Or permitting them to join me is the price of Victory I recommend Defeat. (applause) These are days of high prices for everything; but any price for Wallace & his Communists is too much for me to pay, I’m not buying! (applause) 00:36:29 Cardinal Spellman giving speech: “...we have permitted Soviet Russia to continue her policy of persecution of Slaviks ; dooming our neighbor nations & ourselves to reap a rotted harvest of appeasement. Once again while Rome burns literally & symbolically the world continues to fiddle. I pray God that the Italians with their great faith in Him & their common sense will not yield their love of God to any puppet of Stalin & betray their country & enslave themselves for unless they become traitors to every sacred Italian tradition & sense of right, justice & freedom, this choice must be God against Stalinism.” Right Wing Catholicism; Religion; Cold War; Speeches; Threats; Anti-Communism;