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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221482-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1949
Country: USA
TC Begins: 12:35:33
TC Ends: 12:49:13
Duration: 00:13:40
1949 - Documentary: Winged Victory On Foot - The 43rd Infantry Division Dedication title. 12:36:08 CU boxes of medals. Troops march thru jungles; medal pinned on. Montage: CU statue of George Washington, Revolutionary War soldiers; Civil War Union soldiers; Spanish American War; WWI troops. Cavalry; others. 12:37:04 Military physical examination; turning in civilian clothes, putting on uniforms. 12:37:15 Men setting up rubber artillery gun as decoy. Wooden machine gun in training. Training, obstacle course. General Hester in still photo. Boarding ship Oct42. Loading equipment into hold. POV from ship under Golden Gate bridge. Shipboard at sea in convoy. Map of Pacific. New Caledonia w/ circle. 12:38:37 Soldiers training crawling under barbed wire. Boarding LCI. Convoy, signaling. Bombers over, Aerial of explosions around ship; fighter planes & flak; men out of Landing craft on beach. Plane shot down. 12:39:33 Men receiving medals. Map & Russell Islands w/ ships ashore thru stormy water. Rendova Island on map. Fighter take off from aircraft carrier. Bombing & explosions. Landing craft in water. 12:40:26 CU beside GIs in front of landing craft. CUs w/ rifles; CU soldier w/ lucky rabbit’s foot. Ships firing on shore. Soldiers thru water, unload crates. 12:40:53 Aerial of Japanese (?) bombers & POV dropping bombs on jungle. Explosions. Men w/ mess kits served. Marching thru jungle mud to Munda. Fighting. CUs. Grenades. Dead Japanese & Americans. Gory. Flame throwers. Tending wounded. Walking wounded. 12:42:08 Aerial of Munda Island airstrip. Troops on deck of troopship, in berths. Pitching horseshoes, play volleyball. Throwing football on beach. Troops march on: dock from above. Training camp troops across floating bridge, suspension bridges & DUKW crossing - simultaneously. 12:43;04 CU still photo General Red Wing. Troops off ship into landing craft. Landing on Aitape; fightng w/ machine guns thru heavily devastated jungle. Artillery firing in CU, explosions. Capturing prisoners of war. Wounded POW. GIs thru rain & mud. Sign: Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. Serving pie & turkey. 12:44:53 Convoy at sunset. Map to Philippines. Battleships firing; kamikazees shot down in flames close by. GOOD. 12:45:33 Landing thru surf on Luzon in Lingayen Gulf. Fighting; crossing river; approaching Clark Field throwing hand-grenades. Australians, natives. Artillery. Shimbu Line, firing mortars. Ipo Dam taken. Showering. Atomic Bomb mushroom cloud (good). 12:47:38 Entering Japan harbor, off ships. Sailing home shipboard under Golden Gate (brief) Parade in San Francisco w/ kids waving flags, women w/ flowers. GOOD CROWD & PARADE. Civilian shots. National Guard shots. The End. WWII History; WW2 Pacific Battles; Homecoming Welcome Home; Heroes; Returning; NOTE: Footage is good but shots are brief.