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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220652-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: France,Korea,Puerto Rico,USA
Location: Key West, Florida,New York City,NYC,Paris,Puerto Rico,Washington, DC
TC Begins: 17:03:15
TC Ends: 17:08:49
Duration: 00:05:34
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1951 - Cold War: NATO; Auriol To USA; DSA Awards Presented; Puerto Rican Recruits; Turtle Harvest; Charity Fund Raising Hotel Astoria entrance, Paris, France & soldiers guarding. Interior, door opens & empty desk w/ US & NATO flags. Sign: Supreme Commander. Ike signing order opening permanent headquarters / HQ. CU of paper w/ signature that he took over as head of NATO. 17:03:53 MCU, statement into another camera: “Today, another significant step was taken in this process of insuring our collective security. This headquarters, formally & officially assumed operational control & command of all forces allocated by our several countries to the defense of Europe. 17:04:15 Intertitle: News In Brief. High Angle / HA soldiers marching Broadway in New York City leading parade for President Vincent Auriol of France in open car. City Hall interior w/ Mayor Vincent Impellitteri presents Distinguished Service award to Auriol before many newsreel cameras & microphones including WNYC. 17:04:53 Ext. Marching troops past reviewing stand w/ VIPs. Hand shaking. “...against Communist Imperialism.” 17:05:03 Intertitle: Washington, DC. General Omar Bradley presents Medal of Honor to families of 4 soldiers killed in Korea: Sgt. William Jocelin; Cpl Gordon Craig; Cpl Mitchell Red Cloud, Jr.; Pvt. Joseph Ouellette. Pose w/ medals. 17:05:36 Intertitle: Puerto Rico. Soldiers taught English at army camp before going to Korea; obstacle course under live fire. CU machine guns firing; target practice on beach. 17:06:32 Intertitle: Florida. Many turtles on backs in open boat arriving at dock. Weighed, dragged on plank & lined up on dock. Boy sits on top of turtle. CU Turtle’s head next to can of Key West Turtle Soup. 17:07:17 Intertitle: Big Top - Celebrities Join In Heart Fund Benefit. LS past line of ropes w/ trapeze artists climbing. Mrs Impelliteri speaking (MOS). Opera singer Lauritz Melchior leading ?? in band uniform; Joseph Cowan (?) & Jack Dempsey in clown suits. CU Emmett Kelly in sad clown’s makeup. 17:07:53 Elephants performing. Jimmy Durante in profile w/ microphone. Ed Wynn in barber’s chair. Gypsy Rose Lee; Celeste Holm; Dorothy Kilgallen; Lily Pons; 17:08:29 Male trapeze artists does toss & misses. The End. 1950s; Post-WWII; Post-WW2 European Defense; North Atlantic Treaty Organization; Diplomacy; Awards; Medals; Ethnic; American Indians; Heroes; Charity Performance; Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus; Charity; Ecology; Food; Ocean Harvesting; Heart Disease; Fund Raising; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate or if requested will provide entire reel: 17:01:42 - 17:08:49 at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: