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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221710-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1951
Country: Argentina,Australia,Denmark,England,India,Sweden,United Kingdom,USA
TC Begins: 04:15:15
TC Ends: 04:24:30
Duration: 00:09:15
NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: 1951 - Educational Films: World Trade For Better Living Pt. 2 of 2 Animated diagram showing principal of trade in local & international contexts - map shows where certain products produced. 04:17:21 Captain: “...that’s why I can’t understand why so many people seem to be against trade...” - cutaways to customs officers checking imports & CUs paperwork being filled in - Captain complains about restrictions on trade. Pan across meeting of United Nations ?? - narrator says much is being done to lessen bureaucracy & controls. 04:18:18 Staged dialogue scene in office of newspaper editor - editor explains to complaining men why paper ran anti-protectionist editorials - animation explaining “balance of payments” theory - editor explains bartering pros & cons - another animation shows four-way / indirect trading. Cutaways engine / car manufacturing; Indian women picking tea; silversmiths in workshop; VO - “people who produce any article efficiently have no trouble from competition”. 04:21:55 Montage manufacturing w/ pro-trade VO - nylon weaving in US; Indian rug weaving; welding in shipyard; Indian textile factory; Australian ranch; Danish pig farming; Argentina meat factory; Swedish machine parts; men fitting large bearings. Street scenes in USA & elsewhere. Captain on deck - “...that’s what I mean about trade, the more of it there is, there better it is for you and me and everyone else. We’re all in the same boat, and she sails steadiest when she’s weighed? down and full steam ahead”. The End. Economics; Globalization; Post-WWII; Post-WW2; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING see: or contact us at: