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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220518-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1952,1950s
Country: USA
TC Begins: 12:12:37
TC Ends: 12:26:19
Duration: 00:13:42
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1952 - Cold War, US Navy: Captain Rickover Demonstrates Nautilus Submarine Model Captain Hayman Rickover & assistant, naval WAVE officer - false start as lights adjusted. 12:12:44 SOF Captain Hayman Rickover w/ pointer explains inexact schematic model of USS Nautilus (SSN-571) is to show out the nuclear power plant works. WAVE removes part of hull to show interior components & Rickover explains how the uranium in atomic pile heats water to continuously flow thru boiler which heats other water to develop steam to drive propellor shaft/ Shows control rods lifting out to allow water to heat & circulate controlled by throttle. 12:14:26 “This plant is made just as safe as the plants in the atomic energy commission”. WAVE puts safety shield in place. Rickover explains that everything under the shield will be radio active & the shield will protect personnel from radioactivity. 12:15:08 Repeats w/ closer shots of man explaining how ship is propelled. “The ship will make more than 20 knots submerged.” “This plant is safe from a radiation standpoint.” “You can understand the importance of shielding when I tell you that to make 1 kilowatt of power produces the equivalent of 100 lbs of radium, and there are only 5 lbs of radium in the whole world.” 12:16:56 CU Rickover talking about safety. CU of model of power plant. Has problem w/ lights on model. 12:19:54 Slug 12:19:56 SOF Rickover w/ pointer & diagram of first American submarine, The Turtle, invented by Dr Bushnell in 1776 explains hand cranked propellor & bomb to be attached to ship. (tells military insider joke re Army sergeant operating navy ship). 12:20:45 SOF explains w/ chart illustrating one pound of uranium equals 2,600,00 of coal; “or 360,000 gallons of gasoline”. 12:21:10 Diagram of American WWII submarine & necessary space for storage batteries. 12:21:35 Picture man standing beside battery used in WW2 sub. 12:21:49 Picture of liner Queen Mary & chart used to explain air necessary to burn oil; nuclear submarine needs no air to burn oil. 12:22:30 Si. CU pointer & details of model of Nautilus reactor. 12:23:26 Slate: 08Jul52. Camera: Henry Ward. 12:23:44 Slug. 12:23:50 Si. CU various diagrams & pictures used during lecture. 12:25:43 Slate: Same. Promotion; Educational Film; Nuclear Power; Naval Ship; Atomic Energy; Submarine; Description; 1950s; Firsts; NOTE: Construction began 14Jun52; Launched 21Jan54. NOTE: Two reels combined. Partial or entire of both sold at per reel rate. Very good quality picture & sound. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: