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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220374-03
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1980s
Country: Antigua
Location: Patrick AFB, Antigua
TC Begins: 03:35:36
TC Ends: 03:48:48
Duration: 00:13:12
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: 1980s - Colour, USAF Newsreel: NASA Patrick AFB, Antigua; Ira Eaker Pioneer; Pave Paws Radar System 03:35:46 Sign: US Air Force Cape Canaveral... Rocket on launch pad. Sign: Patrick AFB; Eastern Test Range. Rocket launch montage w/ inset images & countdown on soundtrack. Rocket past camera & in flgiht (w/ tacky supered images). SOF Base commander at Antigua Air Station. 03:37:02 Rocket in flight in space. Controls. Telemetry antenna. Base commander explains he is only AF, everyone else is civilian contractor. Meeting w/ Pan-Am & RCA managers. Meeting w/ Governor of Antigua &/or Antigua Secretary for External Affairs & British representative. 03:38:52 Boats in bay, beach; women in street singing; market scenes. LS Antigua from ancient fortifications. 03:39:37 Aerial telemetry antenna; control room. Montage of meetings; sunset. 03:40:07 Pioneers of Flight - Ira C. Eaker. 02May27 Calvin Coolidge at Bolling Field greeting return of Pan-American flyers thru South America after 20500 miles “Goodwill Flight” from San Antonio. Loening OA-1A planes. Captain Ira Eaker was one of the pilots. 03:40:58 1929 First refuelling of planes in flight, w/ Eaker. Illustration. Film of refueling. Pilots out of plane. Fokker plane The Question Mark. 03:42:14 WWI / WW1 / world war one, American Infantry. Ira Eaker at phone ca. 1940s. 8th AAF (bombers) in flight. WWII / WW2 1944 Eaker as Mediterranean Allied Air Forces (MAAF) commander. Ploesti bombing & shuttle bombing European targets. 1947 Eaker w/ other officers on airfield retiring. 03:43:11 SOF Eaker as old man. Early pilots & refueling Question Mark plane in flight. 03:43:35 Beach. Radar dish for Detection and Warning System - Ballistic Missile Early Warning. Radar screen & monitoring room. SOF Commander, 14th Missile Warning Squadron explains McDill NORAD link to Cheyenne Mountain Complex (Colourado), Strategic Air Command (Nebraska), National Command Authority in Washington DC. 03:45:12 Inside control center during hourly test. Machine room w/ transmitter & printer. Electronics. Radar rotating. CU UNIVAC 128 main frame computer; maintenance technicians. Pave Paws phased array radar system project discussed and shown at Beale AFB & Otis AFB aimed electronically. Credits. Military Technology; Star Wars; Caribbean; History; Promotional Film; Instructional Film; Cold War; Computers; NOTE: Partial or entire sold at per reel rate. NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: