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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221023-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s-1940s
Country: Korea,South Korea
Location: nam dai moon,Seoul
TC Begins: 20:12:27
TC Ends: 20:18:58
Duration: 00:06:31
38th Parallel Reel 2 of 5 North Korean propaganda film on the events leading up to the crossing of the 38th parallel. Reel 2 shows Russians liberating Korea from the Japanese occupiers in WWII. Sign in Japanese. Korean students at Kwang Choo demonstrating against Japanese occupation. Japanese officer taking child from mother. Still pictures of students who were killed in the demonstrations. Graphic reconstruction ? of men and women students being tortured for taking part in the demonstrations - hanging upside down, burned with hot pokers, beaten, injected under fingernails. Japanese prisons. Planes dropping bombs. 20:14:59 09Aug45 Russian ships firing at Japanese positions. Russian infantry making assault landing. Tanks moving up. Russian artillery firing. Russian infantry running along gully. Japanese soldiers coming out of pillbox and surrendering to the Russians. Piles of dead Japanese. Russians placing flag on hilltop. Captured equipment. Japanese prisoners seated on ground. Smashed temples. Russians releasing Korean prisoners. Koreans celebrating Liberation Day; waving banners / flags. Korean band playing. 20:17:22 Japanese and Russians (only) signing WWII surrender terms aboard the USS Missouri, 02Sep45. Displaced Japanese civilians moving along road. Korean village and countryside. Newspaper notice about Big Three meeting in Moscow (in Korean). Duck Soo Koong building in Nam Dai Moon, Seoul. 20:18:29 Meeting between General Hodge (USA), General Shtikov (Russian), Syngman Rhee and Kim Sung Soo (Koreans) and their staffs. Syngman Rhee addressing the meeting. Torture. Atrocities. scratched in parts.