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Action Stations Part 5 of 6

Reel Number: 221195-11

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943

Country: Canada

Location: At Sea,Atlantic

TC Begins: 10:09:33

TC Ends: 10:18:13

Duration: 00:08:40

Continued... Fog signal lamp; steam whistle signal; Commodore Sir Francis Austin on deck at night in thick fog; lookouts; signal made for light dead ahead, speed increased as fog clears. Aerial of large convoy at sea in sunny weather; seamen sunbathe on deck. Chores. Dolphin alongside ship. 10:12:43 CU tattooed sailor holding cute kitten. Floating wreckage spotted; depth charges loaded & prepared. 10:13:17 Sailor plays mouth organ aka harmonica; playing guitar & dancing a jig. Lookout, night draws in. Shipboard shots. Message sent from lead ship re danger of submarine in vicinity; map of ocean showing Nazi swastikas. Sub detected on radar oscilloscope screen by HMCS Port Arthur. Corvette changes course - beat of sub engines recorded on screen as pulse gets quicker & more high pitched. 10:16:33 Warning bell. Cries of “Action Stations!” Crew man positions, covers off. Enemy sighted (not seen) but star shells or flares, guns firing & explosions. Crewmen w/ headsets. Contact lost. They talk. Continued... WWII; Shipping; Military Navy Convoys; WW2 North Atlantic Shipping;

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