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Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Speech, Pearl Harbor

Reel Number: 220665-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1944

Country: USA

Location: Hawaii Pearl Harbor

TC Begins: 15:09:35

TC Ends: 15:20:36

Duration: 00:11:01

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Speech, Pearl Harbor - anniversary MSs, CUs, Admiral Nimitz delivering speech to officers and men of the Navy and civilian workers at Navy Yard, Pearl Harbor. MSs, cadets singing Star Spangled Banner after the Admiral's speech. (NOTE: In his speech, the Admiral tells of the history of the ships that were bombed in the Pearl Harbor attack.) WWII; WW2; NOTE: Push-pull track has been re-recorded; can be re-ordered for better quality.

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