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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220815-08
Color: Black and White and Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1945
Country: USA
Location: California,San Francisco
TC Begins: 03:04:21
TC Ends: 03:12:40
Duration: 00:08:19
Admiral Halsey & Fleet Returns, Oct45 15-16Oct45 Foggy view of Golden Gate Bridge w/ ships entering harbor. 03:05:42 LS Sailors lining USS South Dakota (BB-57) entering San Francisco Bay (taken from moving boat) Much out of focus. 03:07:33 LS destroyer, flying long homeward-bound pennant, passes beneath the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. 03:10:38 MS USS South Dakota drops anchor in San Francisco Bay (15 Oct 45) (GOOD) some soft. 03:11:41 CU Admiral Halsey & staff members in car. Halsey out of car & mounts steps at Civic Center, San Francisco, California. Military parade passing. Post-WWII; Post-WW2; Homecoming; Hero; Welcome; NOTE: Much of reel is soft focus but some very good shots. LSs of haze makes color look b/w. Admiral Halsey & Fleet Returns, Oct45 15-16Oct45 B/W - LS USS South Dakota (BB-57) entering San Francisco Bay (taken from moving boat). LS destroyer, flying long homeward-bound pennant, passes beneath the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. LS USS South Dakota drops anchor in San Francisco Bay (15Oct45). Some soft focus shots 03:11:41 COL - CU Admiral Halsey and staff members in car. Halsey gets out of car and mounts steps at Civic Centre, San Francisco. Parade