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Air Force Now - Air Force Museum

Reel Number: 221450-04

Color: Colour

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1970s,1980s

Country: USA

Location: dayton,Ohio,patterson aFb,wright

TC Begins: 06:16:10

TC Ends: 06:21:16

Duration: 00:05:06

Air Force Now - Air Force Museum Voice-over introduces film on Air Force Museum at Wright Patterson AFB Ohio. Planes & helicopters waiting for restoration. Men work on restoration. Early aircraft in museum. Montage of CUs of bicycle chain & other mechanism of Wright Brothers; CUs of WWI planes; CUs WWII aircraft on display. CUs of jets & NASA vehicles exhibited. 06:20:10 Air Force three-star General to camera re recruitment & re-elistment; training; compensation; Positive reinforcement; Military;

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