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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221216-08
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1930s
Country: Brazil,Germany,Uruguay
Location: Montevideo,Rio De Janeiro
TC Begins: 16:12:00
TC Ends: 16:23:14
Duration: 00:11:14
Auf Grosser Fahrt R2 of 2 Printed flipped View of ship from on mast; heavy seas. Rio de Janeiro from water. Navy cadets march thru city, stand at attention & received by VIPs. Brazil navy & band playing German anthem. 16:13:13 Small boat to ship w/ young boys & girls (German or Aryan looking) & served tea or juice by sailors. CUs eating at mess table on deck. 16:14:59 Sailors march through town. Arrive on bus as kids & others give nazi salute while singing. German village on river in valley. Sailors in dress whites march through. Germans w/ banner: Deutschland Eiwache & swastika receiving Navy officers & saluting. Sailors visit school. Kids in uniforms & regular clothes run out More parading by navy & townspeople thru town w/ banners & dressed in white. 16:17:46 Girls dancing beneath Nazi banners in ring & couples. Sailors join it. Two men playing concertina & horn & sounding like Bavarian band as couple dances (good). Townsmen in black shirts march thru town w/ banner as others salute and join in marching to train to wave goodbye to sailors. 16:19:03 Harbor w/ freighters & tugs. Men fishing w/ long poles from docks. Montevideo, Uruguay from tall building w/ skyscrapers & harbor in background. Sandy beach w/ swimmers. Dock w/ sailors off ship, unload large wooden crate & carry burlap bags of ??. Fir trees carried, crates loaded into ship nets & offloaded. Pressurized tanks unloaded. Men in formal service on deck. 16:20:50 Sailors opening Christmas packages at table w/ candles lighted. Eating fruit, nuts & candy etc. Ships officers arrive & sit down at table, smoking cigarettes, drinking from white cups. 16:22:19 Boy Scouts (?) at attention, march onto ship w/ pennant. Santa Claus or Father Christmas passing out gifts to boys & girls in uniforms. Other kids w/ sailor eating fruit. (incomplete) Pre-WWII - Nazi; Travelogue - German Navy; Propaganda; Goodwill Visit; South America tour.