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Go to HomepageReel Number: 250213-01
Color: Colour
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1970s,1974
Country: England,United Kingdom,USA
Location: BealE AFB,California,Farnsborough,Los Angeles,Mildenhall AFB
TC Begins: 22:00:11
TC Ends: 22:14:56
Duration: 00:14:45
NOTE: FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: Aviation - Color, 1974, Blackbird Record Breaking Flights, NYC - London; London - Los Angeles Lockheed Skunk Works focus chart. 22:00:22 Main titles 22:00:42 SR-71A in flight r. to . l w/ curve of earth visible). R. to l. YF-12A interceptor (1965) setting records. 22:01:27 VIPs on ground looking at stop watch. YF-12A in flight. Parked SR-71, taking off & flying. 22:02:19 LS, MSs Mechanics working on plane. 22:03:03 Hanger interior, 26Apr71 Pilot & reconnaissance systems officer (RSO) boarding SR-71A at Beale AFB, taking off, in flight CU McKay Trophy. Montage, SR-71; Pentagon ext; MCU sign: 9th Strat Recon Wing Beale Air Force Base Commander Co. Patrick J Halloran; Generals at meeting table; map; main frame computer w/ punch cards, reels, punch tape, flashing lights; reading navigation tape information prior to their record breaking flight to London;. 22:04:43 Pilot into flight simulator to fly the nav tape prior to flight. CUs. 22:05:00 Maj James V. Sullivan (pilot) & Maj Noel F. Widdifield (reconnaissance systems officer-RSO) preparing for flight, CUs. 22:05:41 31Aug74 Boarding SR-71A at Beale AFB; night, taking off, in flight, refueling SR-71A. In flight, on approach flyby & landing at Farnborough International Air Show. 22:08:00 Canopy opened & greeted, cameramen after 1:55:32 flight. MCU Aircraft designer Kelly Johnson. CU 1974 airshow sign Sept 5,6,7,8. over entrance road. Spectators watch Blackbird towed to display Other planes shown C-5A Galaxy, P-3 Orion. S-3A Viking, 22:09:17 Unmarked Anglo-French Concorde fly-by; other planes, helicopters, glider / sailplane; precision acrobatic flying; WW2 Avro Lancaster Bomber; British Harrier; Lockheed L-1011; F-15 Eagle overhead & landing. 22:10:50 SR-71 team handing out fliers / fact sheets & autographs Red Arrow acrobatic flights. 22:11:24 SR-71 landing Mildenhall AFB, England landing. MCU Capt Harold B. Adams (pilot) & Maj William C. Machorek (RSO) meeting; suiting up; boarding SR-71A, taxiing, take off. GOOD. 22:12:45 Aerials: SR-71A being refueled by KC-135A; landing upon completion of record flight to Los Angeles in 3 hrs, 47 min. & 39 seconds. Aircrew greeted. Air shots. End title. Cold War; 1970s; USAF Aviation Development; Corporate Film; Promotional Film; NOTE: Sold at per reel rate. Very good color. FOR ORDERING See: or contact us at: