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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221617-02
Color: Colour
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1942,1943,1944,1945
Country: USA
Location: Arizona,California,Gila River,Manzanar
TC Begins: 20:08:22
TC Ends: 20:10:58
Duration: 00:02:36
Barriers And Passes R1 of 3 (Pt. 2 of 2) Continued... “They grew the first rice along the Gila River in Arizona.” Rice field; other fields (Manzanar, California) w/ mountains behind; women picking corn. Int. of lath house w/ bedding plants; feeding chickens. 20:08:54 Title: “Mechanized equipment? Yes...renovating worn-out machines.” Men working on tracotrs, equipment. “Did someone say...skills & arts... Welding, machine shop & metal lathe, forge. 20:09:32 Japanese-Americans, photographer & model. Caucasian business man & Japanese-American secretary. CU. Japanese-American working on posters (?). “And all this work for only $12 to $19 a month.” 20:09:52 Operating sheet-feed printing press. MCU of man. Men & women at adding machines; Woman at sewing machine. CUs. Men cutting garments; stitching. Clothing display. 20:10:27 Title: “Each Center has many cooperatives... Woman hair dresser working, beauty parlor. Women arranging flowers; buying scarf. 20:10:50 Title: “Center activities include...” WWII USA Homefront; WW2 Incarceration; Ethnic; Enemy; Enemies; Injustice; Farming; Agriculture;