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Basic Typing - Machine Operation

Reel Number: 221538-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1942

Country: USA


TC Begins: 22:31:16

TC Ends: 22:59:30

Duration: 00:28:14

Basic Typing - Machine Operation (1942) De Frenes & Co. for US Navy Department 22:31:35 SOF Woman typist says you must master eight keys first. Explains need to type at regular speed & then gradually increase. CU hands on keys of manual typewriter typing at slow rhythmic speed, increasing gradually to 180 words a minute. 22:35:10 Machine shown which replicates sound of keys at various speeds, CUs. Woman demonstrating regular beats of the typewriter. Jammed bars due to uneven typing. 22:38:09 “Don’t fight your typewriter, you can’t win....don’t blame your typewriter...” 22:39:27 Explains different parts of typewriter on different brands of typewriters. CU of removing platen. 22:40:23 Carriage scale shown for centering & tabulating. Other adjustments and settings demonstated in CUs. Line space regulators; adjusting spacing. 22:46:39 Margin controls & carriage lock & ribbon controls of various typewriters explained. 22:55:43 Staccato touch demonstrated on noiseless typewriter. 22:58:05 Adjustment of chair for posture & hand position. Woman typing quickly, w/ even strokes & concentrating on her work. Gadget; Oddities; Office Skills; Educational Films; Teaching Films; WW2 Office Machines; Secretary; Mechanics; Educational Films; Instructional Films; How To; WWII; 1940s; NOTE: Most common brands of typewriters are used. Any continuous ten minutes sold at per reel rate.

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