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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220544-10
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1942-1943
Country: Germany,Russia,USSR
Location: Stalingrad
TC Begins: 04:14:09
TC Ends: 04:23:56
Duration: 00:09:47
re Battle of Stalingrad Wire service machine. Spinning newspaper. Map of Europe & North Africa advances & the Russian encirclement of Nazis along the front. 04:15:06 Stalingrad. Cossacks riding thru snow; tanks & infantry. Marshal Voronoff confers w/ his aides. 04:15:49 Map showing two encircling attacks. The encircling Red armies meet in Dec. 1942 - troops hugging in snow. Christmas 1942 celebrations, Christmas trees cut, decorated w/ Father Christmas dancing; dancing bear. Boys playing games. 04:17:06 Title: 1943 & calendar. War production, industry, shells, women kiss. Artillery firing at night, daytime. Barrage. Planes dropping bombs & explosions in snow. 04:18:15 Flame-throwers, ice gliders, Katusha rockets & artillery used to force the surrender of remnants of 22 Nazi divisions - infantry thru huge snowy steppes past frozen dead. Animated map. 04:19:25 Aerial & ground shots of Stalingrad destruction. Last shot fired, burning building behind statue of dancing children. Flag hoisted. Nazi come out w/ flag of surrender & hands raised; German generals, CUs. Von Paulus & others at surrender table. Huge column of defeated German soldiers. CUs; wrapped feet in snow. Maps of Russian gains and cites statistics on Nazi losses thus far in the campaign over wrecked equipment & piles of rifles, cartridges. Dead. 04;22:45 Animated map showing 1941 Moscow explodes; 1942 Caucus; 1943 question mark & explosion. Flags of Allies & superimposed marching troops. The End w/ Liberty Bell & V. WWII Why We Fight Series, Military Propaganda Film; Invasion; History; WW2;