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Beware - Butterfly Bomb R2 of 2

Reel Number: 220827-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1940s

Country: England,United Kingdom


TC Begins: 16:32:28

TC Ends: 16:42:17

Duration: 00:09:49

Beware - Butterfly Bomb R2 of 2 Sandbag wall around bomb completed. Finding empty bomb container in field. Marking off bomb hole possibly made from unopened full container. 16:33:50 Map of dock yard & protection. Man, warden, runs into office & women alert that bomb found. Men go out to search w/ flashlights aka torches. Searching. Butterfly bombs found. Civil Defense office & men & women at desks & reporting to military. Telephone operators at switchboards. Warning sent to all section headquarters. Messages passed. Map checked to divert traffic & message sent back to posts. 16:37:11 Men gather equipment. Marking bomb w/ illuminated UXB sign. 16:38:02 Daytime - butterfly bombs littering East Road, trucks thru dockyard. Anti-aircraft gun post & firing at German plane; butterfly bomb falls near gunners - quickly sandbagging bomb to protect gun & men. 16:39:40 Destroyer at repair dock - butterfly bomb on deck. Officer ties cord around it & pulls it overboard using plank & line or rope from behind cover. Abrupt ending. WWII Training Films; Anti-personnel bombs; Bomblets; Aerial Mines; Fragmentation Bombs; WW2;

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