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Go to HomepageReel Number: 221187-04
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1944
Country: Brazil,South America
Location: South America
TC Begins: 22:40:41
TC Ends: 22:53:06
Duration: 00:12:25
The Bridge Pt 2 of 2 Map of South America showing areas of population; vast unused agricultural areas. 22:41:30 POV from water along river, Amazon ?, remote community. Villagers thatching roof of hut on stilts, smiling boy holding baby chimpanzee, jungle scenes, bugs & snake. Leaves on trees eaten. Mountains & river - untapped resources. 22:43:15 Steelworks production line & workers. Bulldozer clears jungle & men chopping down tree, road built, soil prepared. 22:44:58 Rubber seeds planted. CUs root of rubber tree grafted. Liquid rubber harvested from mature tree at Ford Plantation. Fruit trees & vegetables cultivated in cleared areas of Amazon jungle - VO re need for South America to start producing many crops for domestic use rather than just a couple of crops for export - “to feed men, not ships...” 22:46:27 Map of South America showing poor transportation links - railroads, highways, steamer routes & Amazon rivers. Small craft along river, jungle. Pan across western desert from crosses on hilltop. PoV from along rough road thru foothills of Andes; aerial winding road thru mountain valley. Mules carrying packs; people w/o shoes. 22:50:52 Map of South America & trade routes to Europe, US, Africa etc. - potential of air transportation. Aerial mountain range w/ clouds. US military cargo plane loaded & takes off, in flight over snowy mountains, volcanoes, jungle. CUs South Americans - “the air is the bridge to the future”. The End. Agriculture; Poverty; Progress; Mechanization; Industrialization; Latin America; Aviation; WWII Efforts; WW2; NOTE: One continuous minute sold at per reel rate.