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Bundles for Britain Service, St. Thomas Church, NYC

Reel Number: 220926-04

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1941

Country: USA

Location: New York,NYC,St Thomas Church

TC Begins: 12:08:05

TC Ends: 12:16:23

Duration: 00:08:18

Bundles for Britain Service, St. Thomas Church, NYC CU, Rev. Relief Brooks as he gives blessing on Bundles for Britain after Britain has taken another severe bombing. Facing altar offers prayer for war-stricken people of Britain. Organ playing as altar boys circle, singing. Colour Guard of British Legion presenting the flags of the Empire. Rev. calls for people to come forward. (Sound out 12:16:16) People presenting gifts in medium & long shots. WWII aid to Britain

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