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Canada - Statement on UNRRA Aid After European Tour

Reel Number: 221508-22

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Canada


TC Begins: 04:28:57

TC Ends: 04:31:31

Duration: 00:02:34

Canada - Statement on UNRRA Aid After European Tour Man speaks on return to Canada after a tour of Europe: “...went to Europe to observe what UNRRA & UNRRA staff are doing on behalf of the administration on bringing relief & rehabilitation to the war stricken populations of Europe. The picture I bring back from the Balkans, from Italy, from Yugoslavia & Albania, from Poland & Czechoslovakia & northwest Europe...is a very grim, bleak, desperate picture.” “...until the end of October we have shipped in...since April about 2 1/2 million tons of foodstuffs & others supplies. A good deal of these supplies have come from Canada, Canadian wheat, Canadian shoes...UNRRA...has been carrying on a vast & very important program of relief to the warstricken peoples of devastated Europe.” Post-WWII; Economics; Post-WW2 Rebuilding Europe; Relief; Aid;

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