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Cathode Ray Tube, The: How It Works

Reel Number: 220941-02

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1943

Country: USA


TC Begins: 08:26:56

TC Ends: 08:40:46

Duration: 00:13:50

The Cathode Ray Tube: How It Works Jam Handy Corp. for Navy Bureau of Aeronautics 08:27:18 Man turns dial on electrical device. Another man w/ oscilloscope machine - moving graph on small screen of cathode ray tube. CU of wave form. 08:28:05 Sailor removes cathode ray tube from machine. Animated diagram of inside of cathode ray tube showing gun and charges given off by cathode & drawn to anode. 08:33:00 Sailor combs hair, holds comb over cathode ray tube deflecting the beam by combs negative charge; VS electrical dot on screen. Positively charged glass rod used to draw the beam. Man turns dials to move beam. 08:36:11 CU magnet w/ iron filings. Man holds magnet over cathode ray tube, dot moves. Various beams of light in patterns on screen w/ an electrical charge from hand cranked generator. Scientific / instructional film; electronics; visual read out; WWII Training Film;

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