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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220873-03
Color: Black and White
Sound: SIL
Year / Date: 1927-1928
Country: China,Japan,Philippines
Location: Fort William McKinley,Kobe,Kyoto,Philippines,Rizal,Shanghai,Yokohama
TC Begins: 04:14:01
TC Ends: 04:28:13
Duration: 00:14:12
China, Japan, Philippine Islands - 1927 Title: Turmoil in present day China - SHANGHAIi. Pan over large crowd of Chinese men, many w/ straw hats. Harbor w/ crowds, people carrying crates. Men fighting in crowded entryway. Chinese soldiers marching past. Overhead shot of crowd pushing. British soldiers holding back crowd. 04:15:27 Chinese eating; police & soldiers walking w/ ?? Crowd listening to speaker, Nationalist flag & banners seen. People waving hats; other speakers on scaffolding; marchers thru streets w/ banners, large demonstration. 04:16:41 JAPAN - Japanese w/ children worship very large Buddha at Kyoto Kamakura shrine. Shinto (?) temple; human hair rope at temple. CU of beams & decoration; MCU of rope of hair. CU Japanese woman shows her elaborate hairdo. 04:17:48 JAPAN’s ARMY AND NAVY. Animated maps show growth of Japanese military since 1894. 04:20:17 Hirohito reviews troops, observes infantry & artillery maneuvers. Japanese troops training in water, small boats crossing, smoke screen. 04:22:45 Imperial Japanese Military Academy & bayonet practice, hand to hand; obstacle course. Japanese children training & fighting at Kobe military school. Japanese Navy training; large model battleship in classroom. Young Hirohito on deck of flagship Katori watching gun battle practice. 04:24:51 Yokohama, 1927 - Japan’s entire naval forces gathered for review w/ Hirohito on battleship Matsu. Gun salute. Japanese warships w/ odd stack design. Aerial Japanese fleet at sea. 04:26:16 Fort William McKinley, Rizal, Philippines. US Philippine Division troops march on parade ground w/ US flag. Bontoc & Ifugoa troops present traditional war dances. Exotic Natives; Ethnics; Pre-WWII; Military Force Displayed; Oddities; Travelogue; Scenics;