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Concentration Camps: Belsen Pt. 6 of 6

Reel Number: 220513-03

Color: Black and White

Sound: SD

Year / Date: 1945

Country: Germany

Location: Belsen

TC Begins: 05:19:19

TC Ends: 05:29:50

Duration: 00:10:31

Concentration Camps: Belsen Pt. 6 of 6 British officer testifies: “...the most unpleasant task has been making the SS, of which there are about 50, bury the dead. Up till press we have buried about 17,000 people & we expect to bury about half as much again...” 05:20:33 24Apr45 Woman chief doctor from Bergen Belsen speaks in German w/ English VO, she was prisoner. Women prisoners stand behind. She describes conditions & medical experiments. Tells of Commander keeping chocolate for himself that had been sent to camp. 05:23:36 Women inmates walking in camp. MCU Kramer, Commander of camp, taken into custody. 05:24:04 Germans guards arrested. 05:24:21 Starved & sick inmates inside wooden sheds. Woman kisses hand of liberator. Field covered by corpses. CUs Corpses covered by wounds & bites & bodies - beaten & murdered. Tattoo on arms. SS men moving bodies. Truckload out, past many more on ground. Yard full of corpses. Men throw corpses into common grave in large pit. 05:27:29 German women guards out of barracks to bury the dead. Pull bodies & throw into pit. 05:28:16 Bulldozer shoves corpses to grave. Man on bulldozer covers his mouth w/ scarf. CS of corpses being pushed. 05:29:20 CS of affidavit by E. R. Kellogg who inspected film to certify that “...it had not been retouched, distorted or otherwise altered..” Post-WWII Liberation; Horrors of War; Atrocities;

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