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Go to HomepageReel Number: 220513-02
Color: Black and White
Sound: SD
Year / Date: 1945
Country: Germany
Location: Buchenwald,Dachau
TC Begins: 05:09:18
TC Ends: 05:19:19
Duration: 00:10:01
Concentration Camps: Buchenwald; Dachau Pt. 5 of 6 Buchenwald, Germany. LS, high angle, of wooden barracks. MS gate w/ sign Jedem Das Seine (To Everybody What He Deserves). Red Cross trucks. Lines of male survivors walking out, posing. 05:10:19 Dead men w/ huge tattoo of number on stomach. MS of living children & young men. CUs. Man w/ crushed nose. Starved men sitting against wall. 05:11:05 Young men behind barbed wires, pan of legs behind barbed wire. 05:11:27 Stacked bodies. Decomposed bodies in shed. VO re medical experiments. Bodies stacked on truck. 05:12:00 Torture weapon: wooden club. Crematorium w/ charred skeletons in ovens. Sign w/ name of furnace manufacturer: J.A. Topf & Sohne Erfurt. Pile of bone ash. 05:12:44 Dachau. Aerial of camp. Dachau near Munich. Lines of barracks w/ trees. 05:13:36 CU Sign of camp; gate w/ swastika & eagle. Crowds of inmates. MS Starved bald inmates in blankets. CUs. Prison train w/ stacked corpses. CS of dead faces. Inmates on railroad cars covered w/ snow. 05:15:38 Prisoners helped onto wagon w/ blankets around. Bodies, unload corpses by other prisoners. Locals view piles of bodies. 05:16:39 German women in furs, cry. Huge piles of bodies beside building. Clothes of gassed prisoners hung outside - snow. 'Brasebad' sign above entrance to shower bath fitted w/ gas vents. 05:17:43 CS of dummy shower heads in ceiling. Engineers room w/ control buttons w/ gas flow. Can of Zyklon. Crematorium w/ furnaces w/ charred bodies. Naked survivors. Post-WWII Liberation; Horrors of War; Atrocities;